PEAX Equipment

Fleeced In Seattle

Speechless to think an institution is less humane than letting them continue to kill themselves and others on the streets, not counting all the other crime.
But we c
I agree, but in the USA it's all about FREEDUMB! Haha

But seriously, who's going to decide if you get institutionalized, or I get institutionalized? That's the crux. Easier (and cheaper) to just let the crazies live on the streets and do their drugs. Step around them and over them and smile and nod. Personally I've never been aggressively panhandled in Seattle. Nothing compared to what you'll experience in downtown Missoula, Montana. Seriously.

Does Seattle have a sketchy element? Most definitely, but that's life in the big city. My daughter was walking home from the climbing gym one evening and a couple cars started shooting at each other right next to her on the street. Scary. But it's cool how we can walk to the waterfront from her apartment, and it's so nice and peaceful since they got rid of the Viaduct. We can walk to the Seahawks and Mariners games. Tons of fun bars and restaurants in Capitol Hill. She walks to her job downtown, goes for long runs all over the place. Now every time we visit I am jealous that she gets to live there. But after a few days I want to get the hell out of there because yes it is EXPENSIVE as all heck.
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