First Turkey!


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2021
Eugene, OR
Today I “punch” my first tag (e-tag), and harvested my first turkey.

I went out last night, and called in this tom. Got him to within 12 yards, but due to property boundaries I couldn’t take a shot. I had set up too close to the edge, and only had one viable shooting lane. The wiley bird crossed into the public land about 50-60 yards to my left, and took me on a chase for about a quarter mile before he disappeared and went silent. I found my first shed during this chase! Sadly, I was so focused on catching that bird that I didn’t notice it fall out of my pocket. That’s 2/2 prizes that got away last night.

Before heading home, I spotted two tons roosting in a tree near by and decided to come back the next morning and try to call them off the roost.

This morning I get there about 15 minutes after sunrise, and I hear the turkeys gobbling and yelling as I’m walking in. I set up near the roosting tree and start call, but to my chagrin, I hear them gobble from much further down the wood line, moving away from me. I keep calling, and then I hear a gobble from the stand of trees that that evasive tom from last night came out of.

I grab my decoy, and move to a new set up against a tall stump to get good shooting lanes at where I think he’ll come to, this time set about 30-35ish yards back from the property line.

Well wouldn’t you know it, it worked!! He came gobbling and strutting right up the lane I had hoped he would, and once he got a good 12-15 feet over the boundary I took my shot.

Got it home, and all processed. Going to try tossing the leg/thigh quarters in the instant pot, that thing will make anything fall off the bone tender. Not sure how I’ll prepare the breasts yet.


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Thanks everyone! I have been working with a mentor I met through the OHA the last year or so, and he invited me over to his place last night to show me how to preserve the beard and tail fan. Not much to it. Never would have thought it’s that easy to taxidermy anything.

They’re out in the garage now, setting in some borax. Excited to get them mounted on a plaque and hang it when they’re dried.

Has/does anyone spray the feathers with a clear coat spray paint, or hair spray even, to seal them and keep their vibrancy? If so, any recommendations on a particular product?
That’s awesome, man. Congratulations! Pretty neat seeing that Oregon mist in the background of your photo.
Congratulations. Nice, well deserved bird. You've learned a valuable lesson as well, where you set up is alot of turkey can screw alot of other things up, but not that;)
Congrats man! I popped my first bird ever this year too. Took 3 seasons but I finally got my first. Public lander to boot!IMG_3507.jpeg