First time in WAY too long


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2001
North Dakota
Grew up hunting waterfowl but for some reason have spent way too many of the past falls hunting other critters but that all changed last weekend when I got an invite from some friends to go on a goose hunt.

We had a blast and should have had more birds but I found it awful tough to shoot when dressed up like the little brother in "The Christmas Story." Although it doesn't rank up there with the number of birds ol Nemont is used to taking we were happy and I can't wait to do it again.

My share of the take home:

Looks like a good hunt! It has been a while since I chased waterfowl as well. Too busy chasing deer with my bow.

Looks like good times, Trust me I have had days with far less numbers than that.

Fun with the family and friends is worth more than numbers of birds.

Also any special way you cook your birds? Always interested in hearing about how guys prepare them. When I first started cooking ducks and geese I thought what a lot of people think: flying liver. Now I have learned how to cook the so even people who swear they hate waterfowl eat it.

Latest is wet curing breasts:

Pluck the breasts and fillet them off with the skin on

Singe to get all the feather remaining burnt off.

Mix equal parts sugar and kosher salt. I usually use 1 cup sugar to one cup salt, add half a teaspoon of tender quick.

Roll all the breast around in the salt mixture so all sides are coated. Vacuum seal two breast per bag and refrigerate for 7 to 10 days.

Take out of the bag and wash off the salt/sugar mixture and sprinkle with onion powder, garlic powder and either fry them to medium or I like to smoke them with apple wood for an hour at 200 degrees and then brush on a mixture of soy sauce and karo syrup and finish in the oven for 20 minutes at 350.

Haven't eaten any in so long I'm not sure how to cook them but like the sounds of what you do. (Have to admit your line about "wet curing breasts" piqued my interest. ;) )

That being said, this past Sunday my wife cooked up the swans my boys and I shot using a recipe where you do some pan frying and then she did up a gravy of some sort with onions and mushroom and then dumped it all in a slow cooker for a few hours. Have to say it was AWESOME. She has done honkers this way too. I THINK the recipe calls it Ottertail Goose but not exactly sure.

I also have used a recipe for making jerky out of the goose which I did in a dehydrator and it turned out pretty tasty too or at least Big Sky thought so.
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Nice work! ND waterfowl was just tremendous this year. Doesn't even compare to years past. I've got a great new recipe for ducks and will post the recipe when i get back home. You fry the breasts in bacon fat so it isn't the healthiest but it is delicious.
I have spent way too much time hunting big game this season. Albeit it was a very successful year. I grew up waterfowling and have done a great deal all over the U.S. Waterfowling has been and still is my favorite hunting sport. Great day you had. Keep up the good work. There is nothing better than watching a good dog work. MTG
Ramaki- marinate in 1/2 worchestershire sauce 1/2 italian dressing for 24 hours in the fridge. wrap in bacon you can also add jalopenos with cheese if you want, hold it all together with a tooth pick. broil or grill.... yum
Duck Recipe

6 slices bacon
4 duck breasts or 1 goose breast, sliced into strips
1 pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
Salt and Pepper
3 Tbsp. water
Extra olive oil

Fry bacon. Leave pan drippings in pan. Roll duck strips in flour with salt and pepper. Fry in bacon grease quickly for only 1-2 minutes per side, cooking only to a medium rare. Remove from pan. Add in onion and pepper. Continue cooking pepper and onion until it is sautéed. Add additional olive oil if needed to finish cooking the onions and peppers.
While onions and peppers are cooking, cut bacon into small pieces. Put bacon, duck, peppers and onion into a 13x9 baking dish. Add water and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.


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Quik and easy----if y'all can get it way up there....
Zatarains Jambylaya mix, bag of stir fry or steam frozen veggies. Follow Zatarains instructions while mixing in veggies while slow stir frying cubed duck breasts seasoned with Tony's Cajun powder. Stir duck breast into skillet with Jambylaya mix. Two dirty skillets and a full meal.....

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