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First impression of new Savage 110 Ultralight

This statement makes no sense
Why would one want to increase case capacity, then use a short barrel?
Your directly oposing the purpose of increasing the case capacity. That being to increase velocity.
Remington learned that lesson the hard way with their 6.5mm Rem Mag & 350 Rem Mag back in the late 50's, early 60's.

The cartridges were good ones!
But people hated the increased recoil & muzzle blast from the short barrels.
Why would one want to increase case capacity, then use a short barrel?
Your directly oposing the purpose of increasing the case capacity. That being to increase velocity.
Remington learned that lesson the hard way with their 6.5mm Rem Mag & 350 Rem Mag back in the late 50's, early 60's.

The cartridges were good ones!
But people hated the increased recoil & muzzle blast from the short barrels.
It’s all a tradeoff. 280AI works well in 22”. I have one. It shoots as fast as I need.
Hah! I forgot about those. Perhaps the most spectacular gun design blunder in the history of the world. Remington targeted the cool factor market 100%. I had to wonder if the designers had ever shot a gun. Those silly ribs were a dead giveaway these things were a joke. I mean, who could ever shoot one fast and long enough to heat up the barrel without dislocating a shoulder or losing consciousness from the muzzle blast? Did you ever see one of these guns with iron sights? I never did and I worked in a store that sold them. Don't think they were even slotted or tapped for a rear sight. So what's the point in a ventilated rib and a brush hook blade front sight? I'm surprised how long those goofy things remained in production. I guess it's hard to just toss that much machinery. Eventually Remington had to admit defeat. Then along comes Jeff Cooper and starts the same foolishness all over again with a new generation of stubby lightweight gun suckers too young to remember Remington's mistakes.
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It’s all a tradeoff. 280AI works well in 22”. I have one. It shoots as fast as I need.
Yeah, but aside from it being a pain in close cover, i could equal your velocities with a long barrel 7mm-08.
Nosler load data already uses a 26" barrel for their 7mm-08 data.
Ya seen many 26" 7mm-08 rifles for sale, either?
Yeah, but aside from it being a pain in close cover, i could equal your velocities with a long barrel 7mm-08.
Nosler load data already uses a 26" barrel for their 7mm-08 data.
Ya seen many 26" 7mm-08 rifles for sale, either?
Show me a 7MM 08 that is shooting 168 grain bullets 2900 FPS
Hah! I forgot about those. Perhaps the most spectacular gun design blunder in the history of the world. Remington targeted the cool factor market 100%. I had to wonder if the designers had ever shot a gun. Those silly ribs were a dead giveaway these things were a joke. I mean, who could ever shoot one fast and long enough to heat up the barrel without dislocating a shoulder or losing consciousness from the muzzle blast? Did you ever see one of these guns with iron sights? I never did and I worked in a store that sold them. Don't think they were even slotted or tapped for a rear sight. So what's the point in a ventilated rib and a brush hook blade front sight? I'm surprised how long those goofy things remained in production. I guess it's hard to just toss that much machinery. Eventually Remington had to admit defeat. Then along comes Jeff Cooper and starts the same foolishness all over again with a new generation of stubby lightweight gun suckers too young to remember Remington's mistakes.
…though I will say, as dysfunctional and unpopular as the model was, my old man took a toll on the Cali and OR rosie and blacktail populations with this and it’s little brother in 6mm.

Plus the bull in the pic didn’t give a shat when he buckled. Sometimes “mistakes” prove to be interesting 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hell when it was released in 1997 (I believe) they couldn’t hardly give a .260 Remington away, now 25 years later they can’t keep Creedmores on the shelves! Sometimes it IS all about the marketing …
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That's a max load with a 26" barrel for the 280AI.
Real world is closer to 2800-2850, again with a 26".
22" is closer to 2700.
A 24" 7mm-08 will be 2650ish.
I’m not sure where you are getting this from but I am getting those velocities in my 22” 280AI and I am not the only one.
I’m not sure where you are getting this from but I am getting those velocities in my 22” 280AI and I am not the only one.
Are you using something in the r23/26/n565/retumbo range?
That's way over book for every other powder.
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