First blackpowder hunt


May 10, 2012
I drew NM Unit 52 for mule deer with a primitive muzzleloader in Sept. I will be using my dad's Hawken rifle that he gave me before he passed in August. I have shot it a few times before he died, but its been several years. I have never hunted with it, but he took whitetails with it back East. I think it will be a good way to remember him, especially if I can get one.

Any advice, tips, tactics, techniques, etc. for hunting blackpowder would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Just like anything, you'll be collecting "30,000 foot ideas" and slowly zooming in as you get more experience. One of the first recommendations I'd make would be to get out to the range as soon as possible to get a general idea for your weapons system's capabilities, and plan on spending 3 times as long cleaning as you would with a centerfire rifle. Blackpowder hunting has gotten much easier in recent years, with more advanced propellants, projectiles etc, but it's still a lot of work. I just purpose built an open sight blackpowder rifle for CO, and even with inline ignition and a globe sight, the farthest I'll shoot at an animal is about 150 yards. There is just a lot more going on with blackpowder rifles than centerfires.

Also, NM allows any kind of projectile for your hunt, so I'd recommend taking a look at Thor bullets. Basically, you order a sizing pack, try loading them til you find the correct diameter, then get a pack of them and go to town. They've been very accurate in all of my muzzleloaders, and are much more terminally effective than Powerbelts or Maxi balls.
I drew NM Unit 52 for mule deer with a primitive muzzleloader in Sept. I will be using my dad's Hawken rifle that he gave me before he passed in August. I have shot it a few times before he died, but its been several years. I have never hunted with it, but he took whitetails with it back East. I think it will be a good way to remember him, especially if I can get one.

Any advice, tips, tactics, techniques, etc. for hunting blackpowder would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

No advice with primitive black powder, but what an awesome tribute to your father!
Just like anything, you'll be collecting "30,000 foot ideas" and slowly zooming in as you get more experience. One of the first recommendations I'd make would be to get out to the range as soon as possible to get a general idea for your weapons system's capabilities, and plan on spending 3 times as long cleaning as you would with a centerfire rifle. Blackpowder hunting has gotten much easier in recent years, with more advanced propellants, projectiles etc, but it's still a lot of work. I just purpose built an open sight blackpowder rifle for CO, and even with inline ignition and a globe sight, the farthest I'll shoot at an animal is about 150 yards. There is just a lot more going on with blackpowder rifles than centerfires.

Also, NM allows any kind of projectile for your hunt, so I'd recommend taking a look at Thor bullets. Basically, you order a sizing pack, try loading them til you find the correct diameter, then get a pack of them and go to town. They've been very accurate in all of my muzzleloaders, and are much more terminally effective than Powerbelts or Maxi balls.

Thanks for the reply. I figured one of the first tests would be round ball or conical. I’ll take a look at the Thor bullets. I turkey hunt so I know finding the right load/ball combination will be like experimenting with turkey loads and choke tubes. I want to have a gunsmith check out the barrel before I start shooting since it’s been several years since it was shot and he couldn’t keep it as clean as he normally would have the past few years (he had Parkinson’s)

I’m looking forward to getting back in the woods, I’ve been skunked the past few years on hunt draws.

Thanks again
You should figure out the rate of twist for that rifle. A slow twist say 1 in 60 is for patched round ball. If it is a TC Hawken then it should be 1 in 48 which is a compromise that will shoot patched round ball or conical (maxi ball). Some Lyman rifle's have a 1 in 32 I believe for conical bullets.
Just food for thought.
I hunted Elk in Colorado last fall and the first thing I realized is that my eye's are old. I had a hard time shooting the old open sites compared to a scope. I Shot quite a bit just getting used to the open sights. Luckily I found a willing participant that came into 30yds.
Good luck with the old man's musket. I hope you get a whopper.
I hunted Elk in Colorado last fall and the first thing I realized is that my eye's are old. I had a hard time shooting the old open sites compared to a scope. I Shot quite a bit just getting used to the open sights. Luckily I found a willing participant that came into 30yds.
Good luck with the old man's musket. I hope you get a whopper.

Not sure if you can or want to even modify your gun but I use a peep sight now on my scopeless muzzleloader. I was struggling to shoot accurately past 100 yards with iron sights.
I hunted Elk in Colorado last fall and the first thing I realized is that my eye's are old. I had a hard time shooting the old open sites compared to a scope. I Shot quite a bit just getting used to the open sights. Luckily I found a willing participant that came into 30yds.
Good luck with the old man's musket. I hope you get a whopper.

I'm in the same boat; vision failing. Hopefully I can find a willing participant to lean against the muzzle.
First I’d find a good comfortable sling. Those rifles are heavy. Keep a 2nd nipple in your kit jic. Use a black powder substitute. I like Shockeys Gold & CCI no: 11 Magnum caps. Fire 2 caps prior to loading to foul the outside of the nipple as it gives the caps something to grip tight to so as not to fall off easily. Put a sharpie mark on the ramrod which shows the depth when loaded. I’d probably use a maxi ball type projectile vs round ball. Good luck dude! (y)
First I’d find a good comfortable sling. Those rifles are heavy. Keep a 2nd nipple in your kit jic. Use a black powder substitute. I like Shockeys Gold & CCI no: 11 Magnum caps. Fire 2 caps prior to loading to foul the outside of the nipple as it gives the caps something to grip tight to so as not to fall off easily. Put a sharpie mark on the ramrod which shows the depth when loaded. I’d probably use a maxi ball type projectile vs round ball. Good luck dude! (y)
Where have you been getting Shockey's Gold at? I loved that stuff but I cant find it anywhere.
Where have you been getting Shockey's Gold at? I loved that stuff but I cant find it anywhere.

I haven't had to buy it since we moved to AZ but there's are shop in Tucson that says they carry it. But IDK?

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