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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2010
Well it all started last night. I decided to head over to the local GNC store and pick up a few supplements. I'm the only person in the store besides the smokin hot mid 20's female employee. I have a few questions which she has no answer to (go figure). We somehow get into that I had beem hunting that day and she says to me "I would like to go hunting". Ummmm ummm. There is this slight problem of the Mrs' not being too fond of that idea. I just let it go and go on my way. I fear I have let the hunting community down by not taking a new person hunting. I apologize. I may need to find a new GNC. Temptations are everwhere
Although it is the wrong state, I would be willing to introduce a new, young, eager person to the tradition. Last year, I picked up a 7mm-08 that would be great for a beginning hunter. :D
At times like these I like to reflect on an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond with Frank told Ray that you dont mess around with two women, you just doubled the problem.
Have her get in touch with Gunner46. John

Yes please, we need more stories about his ex wife, Ms. Israel, Ms.Hottieoftheweek and the Ms. GNC.

Mudranger1 go home and pound the wife a good one :hump: then thank the GNC girl :cool:
Musta been a yohimbe bark and horny goat weed run.

Keep the change sweet thang.

I run into similar problems here at school. Several girls tell me theyve never hunted but would love to try it sometime almost as if they are hinting i should take them. 2 problems: 1. I have a girlfriend who would not be okay with that. 2. Im a student so I have no money for even myself to hunt. Terrible situation all around.
I run into similar problems here at school. Several girls tell me theyve never hunted but would love to try it sometime almost as if they are hinting i should take them. 2 problems: 1. I have a girlfriend who would not be okay with that. 2. Im a student so I have no money for even myself to hunt. Terrible situation all around.

Do you plan to marry your girlfriend? That may solve problem #1 :D
I run into similar problems here at school. Several girls tell me theyve never hunted but would love to try it sometime almost as if they are hinting i should take them. 2 problems: 1. I have a girlfriend who would not be okay with that. 2. Im a student so I have no money for even myself to hunt. Terrible situation all around.

... and make your girlfriend pay for your hunting - that will take care of #2....

See - this is easy... :D
Oh, Hell NO John !! I've lived through too many conflicts (both foriegn & domestic) to want to face down Miss Robbie after a Cat Fight ! Those claws are regularly manicured. :eek:

Mud-Man, simple solution. Just find a young, single, hunting stud and send him her way !

That way I don't get Fired (and clawed to death), the kids get to go 'play' afield :hump:, and you come out of it all the more a Hero !!
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LA has a program called "Becoming an outdoor woman" or something like that, I am sure other states do as well.

to paraphrase a friend of mine

" I am sure that young hottie has been waiting all her life for a middle aged guy like you".........