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Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
Hey Russ, do you know if the bulls are in full swing of the rut in Salmon/Leadore?? If you could just type a quick note telling me I'd appreciate it. Thanks!!
I was just in Salmon today!!!I know they have been in full swing here for the last week or so. Since it is about the same elevation, they should be behaving in about the same manor. Get to Salmon, give me a call. I will send you a private msg. with the phone #'s..
Russ.... :D :D :D
That's cool, too bad you weren't there a week from today because we would be there. Okay, my dad might be a little uneasy about me calling you but if he's not I will give you a ring. If you want to you can come into the chat tonight and give them to me, or you can e-mail me I don't care. Which ever is more convenient for you.
TK, how could your dad be uneasy about calling another hunter? Apparently he doesnt know about the sperm on your signature.:D hehehehe
He watches TV and hears about people who kidnap little boys and girls when they end up meeting someone. :D :D Well I will just bring my deer rifle with me and if Russ tries to pull any funny business he will feel what my bull is going to feel. :D :D :D And no, he doesn't know about my sperm. LOL :D :D
TK, how could your dad be uneasy about calling another hunter? Apparently he doesnt know about the sperm on your signature.:D hehehehe
Well you can be assured that abduction is the last thing on my mind....I just don't have the time for such things :D What could one possibly want with a kid any way. Your to old to try to brainwash and I don't have a big enough place to put you into slave labor!!! ;) Your dad is a hunter...You should get him involved in this site. I guess you could start a new organization. Take your dad hunting, or get your dad away from the TV and put him on HuntTalk!!! :D :D
Hahahaha.....That's funny because that is exactly what LB & I did. We now have two puters and the TV in between the two of them. TK, Get dad on here. I think he will like it here. We will even let him in the adult section :D

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