Elk Hunting


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I am trying to find a beginning point to do a elk hunt. Colorado or Montana. Can anyone tell me Im thinking with a rifle. Is there such a thing as over the counter tags each year from either one of these states.
MT had left over tags following the draw last year. For a new elk hunter, CO is the place to go. Tons of elk and lots of access. Yes, lots of hunters near roads and trails, but if you walk a mile, that thins out real quick.
Colorado is probably a better place to start with the elk population at (don't quote me here) 280,000 compared to Montana's 150,000. Either way, I'd do it with a bow and get in there during the rut.
I'll go against the grain,and tell you I found WAY better elk hunting in Mt. then in Co.I would bet my life you can buy left overs again this year in Mt too.Study some maps,and look over little talked about places;seems to work well for me.I've found the less people want to talk about an area the better it usually is.I went in blind last year to Mt. and found elk heaven
It is true about Co. though and once your a mile from your truck your basically all alone.I found Mt. hunters will go a little deeper then other places I've hunted.good thing about Mt. is you can do an archery and rifle hunt with the same tag and an archery stamp.In Co. you have to pick your weapon,and otc is for 2nd and 3rd seasons of rifle.if you do some research, you'll find some 1st season rifle tags that don't require points,but you have to enter the draw
Good luck to you.The more time you put into your hunt, the more you'll get out of it;no matter where you decide
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