Ducks with Mini "ME" (pics)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Went out for a bit this morning.. Mini Moose's first trip out... I'll let him tell the story....

BTW, We didn't take the pictures in the field, I had come home and stripped the camo off .. So I know I look like a flamer in the wool.. BUT, HAve at the jokes anyways <img src="wink.gif" border="0"> <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">


you guys want the story

We went duck hunting and shot some ducks. Thats my story and i am sticking to it


Just kidding, we went out a little before day light and moosie set up the decoys while i sat there staring at the ground for a while, Then shooting light came a duck came in oscar shot twice missed and i took my first shot at a duck ever, I hit it too. He fell kinda far away, so oscar opted to let it sit there a while. Then we had one a male come in and oscar took him after he was leaving the water, He went to get my duck and it was still hopping around so watching oscar sneak in on him to catch him was funny shit, i laughed then some ducks came in while oscar was over getting the duck and i missed all three times, oh well right.

A lot of sitting later 2 ducks buzzed my head, i heard them but didn't see 'em. They circled back and landed then we took them out oscar took the one and as the other was flying out i hit it directly in the head and spun it around. By the way they were like teal or something like that, i am told one of the hardest ducks to hit when they are flying.

Then when we were getting ready to leave, 2 mallards came in and we took them while they were hovering over the decoys. All in all i think me getting 3 ducks on my first day was purty good.

Mind you more ducks came in and we had a lot of shooting situtations its jsut oscar and i had problems hitting them.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-30-2002 13:35: Message edited by: Mini Moose ]</font>

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