Drunk idiots get what they deserve.....

got fish?

New member
Mar 28, 2002
Gilbert, Arizona
I heard about a lady getting knocked off a boat at pleasent over the weekend. she fell off the front and the boat went over her, then the propeller decapitated her. I think they ran into some island as well.

Why do people drink and still get behind the wheel of a boat (in this case) or a car?
Someone please explain this to me.

I have never touched the stuff, so I don't fully understand. People KNOW its against the law. So, why do so many still get hurt, or killed. What really pisses me off, is when a stupid drunk gets in an accident, they rarely get hurt, its always the other person who gets hurt or killed. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Man, that is bad news. I do not know why they continue to do it gotfish? I guess it boils down to the "It won't happen to me" way of thinking.
That and the imortality of youth. Even though there are some oldsters that still do it. They just never grew up past the party stage of life. Most all of us had to go thru it. It is a way that most try to prove they are adults I guess. :rolleyes:
If I might venture my $0.02, I would think that most people, when they are that drunk, are rarely in full control of their behavior. The friends I have that are lushes all swear to me when they tie one on they drive "real slow" because they know they are impaired. Of course, they never look at the speedometer because they are too afraid of running off the road. The real problem is, if you know you are driving a car or a boat, why drink to begin with?

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