Dream Hunt

This is the only animal you can hunt the rest of your life

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
There area lot of western guys on here and a smattering of 'east coasters' and Texans... We're all hunters and dreamers. I personally have a passion to hunt one animal above all others, but enjoy hunting everything. Lets say you could only chose one animal to hunt for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I think this is a tough choice, given that most of us have only taken a couple species, and it seems that everyone wants to shoot a sheep. Just vote where your heart lies.
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I would have to go with Whitetails. They inhabit a variety of terrain and are found all over, east and west, and of course include my favorite sub-specie the Coues'.

Other - Pronghorn. But, I hope I can hunt all the others listed, in addition to pronghorn.
I would have to go with Whitetails. They inhabit a variety of terrain and are found all over, east and west, and of course include my favorite sub-specie the Coues'.


Yep. You can hunt big fat river bottom ones, gnarly old mountain ones, coues, little bitty texas ones. They're easy to pack out, and you can hunt in almost every state.

Plus they're delicious.
Is it implied that we would be able to hunt the animal every year?

Sure why not... I'd love to hunt elephants every year, but it would never happen.

I can hunt sheep, goats, moose, caribou, bears every year. But given the choice I could get by just fine chasing a big ol muley bucks...
Tough one.

For the rest of my life will hopefully be a long time and a lot of the hunting I enjoy now is pretty physically demanding. Not sure I'll be able to effectively hunt elk at 65, but I would be able to effectively hunt whitetails at 65, 70, 75, etc...

At 43 I still have a few years of good health ahead of me hopefully, but let's face it, I'm getting to the point where if I live another 40 years it might get pretty difficult to hunt elk the last 1/2 of that.

If you go strictly on that criteria I would have to pick whitetails, although right now Elk are my passion and I really want to get a Mountain Goat hunt in sometime in the next 10 years.
If I lived out west it would be elk. But being I live in MN I would take Whitetails as they can be hunted about everywhere including close to home so I guess I could say I am "living the dream".
So you chose to live in a state where you can't hunt them? :D

Good point, however the only thing keeping me from hunting muleys is a plane ticket...

The reason I posted this is because I've been having a delima of sorts. I have been planning a deer hunt in CO for a long time. I think I have a legitamate chance at a whopper buck, but I'm having a tough time deciding on going after sheep or deer... Not sure I can swing both hunts next fall, and put in the effort/time required. I'm sure someone will say you're a fool for not going sheep hunting. And I probably am, but I can honestly say that I get more excited to see a giant muley buck than I do a sheep.

Luckily I can hunt anything I want and don't have to chose, because I would surely commit suicide if I could only hunt whitetails every year.

This is the first year I haven't killed at least one buck 21 years. Just sitting here feeling sorry for myself. :D
I see a difference. Dream hunt would be bighorn sheep but everyday hunting would be whitetails
I would choose antelope, but I've gotten a couple nice bucks with my bow and a doe with both rifle and muzzleloader. Elk, however, have eluded me. I've shot one cow with my rifle, but I'm 0-3 for archery. I chose elk in the poll because I'm going to keep after them until I get one with my bow.
Elk... nothing is more exciting than hearing the bugle and crashing of branches when hunting elk in the rut!