Big Slick
Well-known member
The buck I shot this year was on private land. The rancher is all about getting youth and new hunters and opportunity to hunt. I had a friend tell the landowner that he knew someone with a late season deer tag, so he invited me up to his place. We found out that the landowners grandpa had shot a big buck years ago and that the cape was getting ratty and the ear was falling off. I’m having a European mount done, so I called the landowner and took him the cape from my buck so he can get his grandpas mount fixed. He was pretty happy, but not near as happy as I was to harvest a nice buck and to be able to help out. Sometimes I think we ask of people and don’t know how to help them out. I’m glad we could help Levi(landowner) so he can get grandpas mount fixed. It’s the little things!