Dogs and "treats"


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
I'm at our vet after a brief deliberation for my course of action.
Wife is with friends on a hike. I was kicking back on the computer eating some crisp, cold grapes.
Beside me, my dog starred wondering when she was due for her share.
Without thinking, I gave her two grapes... she's a curious dog and my wife's most preciously valued living element in our house - I may rank a notch below "Kintla".
After the second grape I recalled something about not feeding raisins to dogs.

"When dogs eat grapes of any kind and in any form, they are at risk of kidney (renal) failure. All types of grapes, whether cooked, seedless, peeled, dried, or fresh, are toxic to dogs, even in small amounts. You should also avoid giving your dog any grape products such as raisins, juices, jelly, or jam.Aug 20, 2024"

Well, long story short- here I sit at the vet, Kintla being induced to vomit and hopefully two solid gapes, not pierced become present.
If pierced/chewed, I'm looking at a potential, $9500 (edited: $950) bill for whatever + her stay 48hrs for observation, etc...

All for two grapes.

Well chit. Make $ to spend.


She is going to kick my ass.
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Never heard that before.
Dotti wanted to share grapes yesterday and I gave her a couple. She just crushed them and dropped them.
I'll keep an eye on her and check with her vet. I take her in for final shot on the 14th.

I'm pretty sure I have given grapes to dogs before.
I never feed dogs grapes or raisins, but I have never had a dog that didn't eat some grapes or raisins at some point.

Never had a dog get sick from them.

Hope your pup’s ok. We used to give my dog grapes when he was a puppy, purely out of ignorance that they were bad for them. Never had any issues from it, but we learned quick enough not to all the same.
Oof. My dogs have eaten grapes and raisins, inevitable with young kids, and fortunately no ill effects.

I have made my dogs puke via hydrogen peroxide and have kept an eye on them. Plenty of water. Couple slices of bread to slow any toxicity they may be dealing with. Was more concerned when my lab ate an entire double batch of Christmas M&M cookies. Dose of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting and then I got to go around the yard with a shovel to chuck frozen piles of Christmas colored puke over the fence.

Completely understand the abundance of caution on your part. I don’t know that I’d sign on for 48 hours of observation, seems excessive in that aspect.
Never heard that before.
Dotti wanted to share grapes yesterday and I gave her a couple. She just crushed them and dropped them.
I'll keep an eye on her and check with her vet. I take her in for final shot on the 14th.

I'm pretty sure I have given grapes to dogs before.
Vet noted the variable is a major unknown why it's a significant result of complete kidney failure / death for some and others absolutely no issue or better noted as, no apparent issue though the dog passes earlier than normal due to kidney damage simply from occasional grapes, raisins, and other toxic items I never knew existed - and I've had dogs my entire life. Overkill on my part - likely so.

She was happy go lucky with all the attention though their plan is to sedate for IV flushing(?) etc. If it wasn't a dog so incredibly attached to my wife, I likely would have monitored at home and all would be just fine.
However, if (magical "if") the medical info shared turned true...

To the normal person, I'm sure this is over the top spent money though we have the $. Would be great to put it towards something not near as silly as a couple grapes... I'm okay with it. Feel better doing it than not. To each his / her own.

Reality: it may be perfectly fine for some dogs(?). Others... crazy.
Completely understand the abundance of caution on your part. I don’t know that I’d sign on for 48 hours of observation, seems excessive in that aspect.
Ya, I felt the same chatting with the owner / main vet. If I didn't know her well enough, I would think it was a run for $ on dog "family" owner fear though I believe it was a proposed option to minimize the extreme potential as the other option was present to take her home. Difference? Maybe $400 vs $950. @Dave N nailed it.

Any hunt talk Veterinarians? Would be interesting to hear your thoughts.
As mentioned above, keep some hydrogen peroxide on hand and induce vomit. It’s not worth going to the vet, in my opinion. I feel for my dog when I need to do it, as it is not fun for them to wretch and work everything back out, but he’s still alive. Kids love giving dogs food.
I fed my dog grapes all the time. I'm not sure the amount they would need to eat for the toxicity to become a problem, but I would guess it is higher than two. Same with Chocolate.

OK, found a use for AI...cutting back on vet bills.

Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 1.00.24 PM.png
Good numbers to put up. I think sometimes we're overly cautious with pets because they can't tell us how they feel. Doesn't hurt to play it safe and be on top of things.
I fed my dog grapes all the time. I'm not sure the amount they would need to eat for the toxicity to become a problem, but I would guess it is higher than two. Same with Chocolate.

OK, found a use for AI...cutting back on vet bills.

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AKC says the following:

Can a Single Grape Kill a Dog?​

Unfortunately, even consuming one grape or raisin can be fatal. Ingesting the fruit could potentially lead to acute (sudden) kidney failure in dogs.
AKC says the following:

I don't blame you for being cautious, at all. If I were to counter the AKC link, I would like to know, from their extensive database (?), how many cases have there been where one grape or raisin killed a dog over 10lbs. I suspect it is pretty small. They don't even know what causes the toxicity, so data is soft on all of this. For a comparison on human cases, which we track better, I think of it like a bee sting. Some people can be killed by a single bee sting, principally because they are highly allergic. Someone stung 500 times will probably die from them as well, allergy or no allergy. Same with swallowing a coin. Poison control says " is unlikely to kill you." Unlikely, but not zero. Every day in life is a roll of the dice. Sometimes you have a good guess on the odds, sometimes you don't.
Not discounting the numbers you shared though it seems rather sporadic for a reasonable gauge for the threat level.
Had I seen the AI collection of internet #'s I would have most likely taken her home after induced vomiting, identifying the count believed matched what she hurled, given the charcoal, and called it good.
Heck, 0.3 ounces per dog pound: It would take a 50# dog plowing through 15 pounds of grapes to reach my concerns over two flipping grapes. Is my math off?

There's a huge disconnect between 15 #'s of grapes and a single grape.

Edit added:

Various websites share vast differences.

In fact, grapes are so toxic they’re considered one of the most dangerous household items for your dog.

If your dog does eat a grape, it’s important to know why they’re so dangerous and how to deal with the situation right away.

I wouldn't doubt if I've bounced grapes across the floor without regard in the past with previous dogs - Ignorance in bliss though wow! The Veterinary world isn't remotely close to a consensus.
Not discounting the numbers you shared though it seems rather sporadic for a reasonable gauge for the threat level.
Had I seen the AI collection of internet #'s I would have most likely taken her home after induced vomiting, identifying the count believed matched what she hurled, given the charcoal, and called it good.
Heck, 0.3 ounces per dog pound: It would take a 50# dog plowing through 15 pounds of grapes to reach my concerns over two flipping grapes. Is my math off?

There's a huge disconnect between 15 #'s of grapes and a single grape.
You did what you did to keep mama from beating your ass! ;)
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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