Caribou Gear

Dog attack

Dogs act as their owners teach them. I have two now. A rescue mutt and a Rottweiler. Some people shouldn't have a goldfish much less a dog. Bless your heart. mtmuley
Lol. A Rottweiler owner telling the world how great their dog is, you just can’t make this stuff up. I think we all know who’s heart is blessed.
Side note. I actually think that as crazy as some folks are for dogs, it’s a for sure 100% instinctual thing, just like like hunting. I always picture some caveman types using dogs for hunting and protection and others, just not.

Billion dollar + industry, there is something tied in there that cannot be explained. When the wife tuckes her dogs in at night on one of their 17 beds it just absolutely blows my mind. On the other side I’m stepping in dog shit in the back yard and pulling shed hair off my fleece. I also may be a bit biased when all the dog bites I can remember. including the one where I found my own grandmother trying to crawl back to her house door leaving a blood trail like she was shot. I should find that picture.
My dog bit my wife. She was grooming him, and burnt his butt right next to the exit port - I heard him bark that "I don't like that" bark, and started to walk in that direction. She didn't listen to him - she knows that "leave me alone" bark. Kept clipping, burnt a spot on his ass that is still hairless. He did not break skin, but his feelings were clear.

She met me in the yard, crying. Knew she did him wrong. Dog knew he was in deep shit, was hiding. Dog stood like a statue when I finished grooming him, again, knew he had crossed a line. My wife knew she had crossed a line.

They are best buds, she loves him to pieces. And vice versa. But I will never leave him alone with my grandkids, and he will never live through biting again as much as I love him.

Lol. A Rottweiler owner telling the world how great their dog is, you just can’t make this stuff up. I think we all know who’s heart is blessed.
I'm with @mtmuley on this one. I've owned two Rotts and they were just big loving duffuses. I miss having a BIG dog in the yard. Most bad dogs were made that way by bad humans.

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