Caribou Gear

Does anyone Hog Hunt on here?


New member
Mar 24, 2005
Olympia, WA
Does anyone hog hunt on here :D? I'm in Georgia and hog hunting is a pretty big thing down here. Lots of folks I know hunt them with Pit's, Cur's, and American Bull Dogs. Most of them kill the hogs with just a knife...They let the dogs catch them and then they run up flip the hog and stck 'em or cuff them and catch them alive. I've been wanting to go since I moved to South Georgia. I've asked 1/2 a dozen guys down here that hunt hogs and they won't take me....I asked a guy today and he said NO also. He's afraid I will get hurt along with the other ones :p. Kinda ticks me off :MAD ... They won't give me a chance.
yea there's some of us who hunt hogs--I prefer to whack them with a pistol or rifle--traipsing thru the hills trying to ambush one--keep asking they'll get tired of it and finally let you go---chris
We have tons of them here in north Texas. I know of very few whose use dogs.
We bait them with post holes filled with soured wheat or corn, sometimes koolaid mix poured in with it. You can also legally spotlight them. They go nocturnal after being shot at a few times.
I think our pigs may be smarter than those Georgia boys who refuse to take you hog hunting Taxi-woman.
Man i can't wait

Man i can't wait til I find someone that will let me go hog hunting..... A lot of the folks here hunt them with knives...but they are also using dogs...They don't sneek up on em or nothing.... I have never wanted to hunt something as bad as i wanna get me a big ol Bo Hog with a knife.... Yeah I'm a bit different i guess... hump Heck, I played football in highschool hump . Ohh well one of these days I'll get me one. Well guys and gals i got toget to bed. Talk at you all later
what kind of weapon do you youse because down in rock-springs you think twice before running up on a 300lb animal with 4 or 5 inch long teeth with a knife!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of weapon do you youse post back
You might want to get ahold of 'SJ' on this board. he books an outfitter in N Texas that will do a hunt for you using dogs. It's a first class outfit (but I didn't use the dog option)
Ruger M77. We hunt hogs down here with a 6 inch Dextar Russel almost like a filet knife....... 2 of my freinds have killed hogs with a pocket knife.. One of them did it about 3 weeks to a month ago....Killed a 225lbs hog with a 2" pocket knife. Once he and a freind had it flipped he realized his Dextar was in the truck. He split the side open with his pocket knife and run his hand inside and cut the heart. As for the hogs where your from being mean....Well, I think the boys canhandle it....I will try adn post a pic of a 400+lbs hog they killed about 4 months ago....Hope this works

OK. I've never tried to film it b4. I guess I could try if I find someone to take me. I'll film my first hunt so you can see a girl stick a hog, :D. I got a few more Pictures of some Wild Hogs I mounted. They were taken by people in this area. The blond and black hog weighed around 350 lbs maybe 375lbs. The tri colored one was only like 150 but still a nice hog.


Dogs, knives, flipping hogs...sounds like wet busy work. Think I'll stick to my dispassionate 7 mag behind the ear method. Hope you get to do it though taxi.
you havent hunted hogs until you have hunted them with dogs and a knife. there is something about putting your hands on a big pig and having total control of him. but hold on tight you dont have as much control as you think :eek:

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