Yeti GOBOX Collection

Display Options in new Version

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
A lot of you have asked questions or made comments that you cannot see/do things on the new software version that you could see/do on the old software version. Those are merely familiarity issues, as the new software version allows you to replicate anything you could do/see in the old software. Here are the two biggest comments so far.

Comment - "I can't see all posts from today, like I used to. I don't want to go in and out of every forum segment to see what was posted today."

Answer - See the screen shots below.

Screen shot #1 - Click on the "HUNTTALK FORUM" tab and go over to the right where it says "Quick Links."

HT 10.jpg

Screen shot #2 - Under "Quick Links," your first option is "Today's Posts."

HT 11.jpg

Screen shot #3 - When you click on "Today's Posts" you will see the list of all posts from the last day. If you have logged in earlier in the day, it will separate that day's posts between those after the last time you logged in (new and on the top) and those posts before the last time you logged in (old and in the lower section). Not, it might be multiple pages of posts, so see screen shot #4 that shows the lower right of the page that allows you to page through the posts, page-by-page.

HT 12.jpg

Screen shot #4 - See the page numbers below for how many posts have been made today. It might be multiple pages, so page through them as you need to.

HT 13.jpg

If you don't want to go through all the steps above every time you come to the forum, just bookmark the page of "Today's Posts." In most browsers, Ctrl+D will bookmark the page you are on. By bookmarking that page, that is where you will land every time you come to the forum.
Easy peasy.
I, for one, like the new format.
Thank you for providing, not just a place to 'hang out' with some good 'friends', but a place where one can't help but learn stuff, as well.
If you don't want to go through all the steps above every time you come to the forum, just bookmark the page of "Today's Posts." In most browsers, Ctrl+D will bookmark the page you are on. By bookmarking that page, that is where you will land every time you come to the forum.

Best I can do is bookmark and then navigate to quicklinks->Today's posts.

At least for me bookmarking the "Today's Posts" doesn't work because the search doesn't update. (In the bookmarked url the searchid=#### doesn't change.) Eventually you get this:

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At least for me bookmarking the "Today's Posts" doesn't work because the search doesn't update. (In the bookmarked url the searchid=#### doesn't change.)

I have also tested this, with the same result as Rob. You have to click through the links each time. Not a big deal for me personally, but maybe annoying to some. Otherwise, I like the upgrade!
I figured out how to get to the todays posts. I did bang my head against the computer for a while having only the site leaders under the quick links tab. After I logged in to ask a question The quick links options changed.
Thanks, I'm computer illigitemate. That should, in my opinion, (which is worth exactly what you paid for it) be the default.
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