Deutsche Kurzhaar


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
Jacksonville, Alabama
I recently adopted a 4 year old male deutsche kurzhaar that was imported from Europe. He was originally purchased to be utilized as an explosive ordinance dog. I have worked with him a little, but do not have time to finish him. I adopted him to give him a hunting home, but I already have 2 birddogs. He has been introduced to gunfire, ecollar conditioned, whistle commands (come), initial phases of yardwork, and ran in the field in a variety of terrains. He has great potential to make someone a nice field dog. He has great desire to retrieve, it is really impressive for a pointing dog. He also has a great temperament and loves children.

I am looking to see if there are any young members who are looking for their first bird dog. I am only interested in giving him to someone who will utilize him as a field dog. I would also entertain the possibility of giving him to a member who cannot afford a bird dog at this time. I am not interested in giving him to someone who is only interested in reselling him.

This dog really has a lot of potential. He does have 2 issues though that I will tell you about up front. He will kill cats, and he is a kennel dog. He has spent the majority of his life in an institutional kennel, I don’t believe he will ever make a dog that can come into a home.

I am located in Jacksonville, Alabama and would be willing to work with someone to pick him up. I would also be willing to let someone meet me to watch him work before deciding. His papers will not be available for transfer. If you know anyone that would fit this profile and has the facilities to keep a bird dog please PM me. Hes not up for a free for all, but I am looking for a good home for him and will be making a decision soon.

I have also made this offer to the local NAVHDA chapter.


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FT, I am in Tuscaloosa. I would love to have a male, but I have my hands full right now with a 6 month old female. You might could spread the word on I know there are a good number of bird hunters on there also.
Hope you can find that beautiful dog a good home that will hunt him. I have a 10 1/2 year old male Drahthaar and he's the same way as far as a cat killer. These German dogs were bred over a century ago for bird hunting of all sorts and to chase and kill furred game, as well as blodd trail. The wide variety of things they were bred to do along with their upland and waterfowl hunting abilities is amazing. I'd take that dog in a heartbeat if he was younger and could be kept in the house like my DD, as Herc is as docile as a dog can be until he goes into the hunting mode and sees a cat, coon, groundhog, etc. Good luck on getting that dog a new home that will take care of and hunt him as much as possible.
Cannot come and get him, and not interested in a non papered dog - but have facilities and room and would otherwise be interested. My son, 9, loves upland and field trials. Wants a visla. I am a lab guy - but grew up with pointers and GSP's. Cool offer Foxtrot.

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