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Dedicated Turkey Gun


New member
Jul 31, 2001
Addison, NY
How many of y'all have a gun that you bought and set up specifically as a dedicated turkey gun..??..

Years ago when I first started turkey hunting there was no such thing... In those days before interchangeable and aftermarket choke tubes a turkey gun was usually a long barreled, full choke shotgun that would ordinarily be used for ducks and geese..The first gun that I bought strictly as a turkey gun was a Browning A-5 3 inch mag 12 gauge with a 32 inch barrel... It was a good gun and I killed lots of turkeys( and ducks and geese) with it, but it sure was long, heavy and unwieldy in the woods compared to my present short barreled turkey gun...Very few shotguns were equipped with slings on those days, so the first thing I did with a turkey gun was to install QD sling swivel studs...Also, most full choke guns had only a single front bead, so I would always have my gunsmith install a mid-bead to use as a rear sight...No guns came with camo finishes so most turkey hunters used camo tape to cover up the shiny blued metal and glossy stock finish....

My present day turkey thumper is a Remington 11-87 SP 3" 12 gauge with Treebark Camo synthetic stock, 21 inch barrel with Star Dot fiber optic sights and a Kick's GT .665" choke tube... It's equipped with a sling, of course...
a rem SP-10 w/ 24' rifle sight barrel, robar, camo and ready to rock :D
A rem 870 3" 12 ga express turkey for that trip to mexico after goulds. 2.5 pentax on top
a rem youth model 3" 20 ga 1100 NWTF for the kids
Rufus.... Nice rigs.... Why the pump gun for the Gould's trip..?? No autos allowed in Sonora, or are there ammo issues for the 10 gauge....??

What outfitter are you hunting with down there..??...I have a good friend going this year...Hunting with Wingshooters...
I have used an old WinM97, Rem 870 and in the past few years a Beretta 682 O/U with great success. I just purchased a Benelli Nova to use as my "go to" turkey gun. Let me say in the week I have had it, it has taken 3 gobblers. I did go with the Nova so I could use the 3 1/2's, didnt really need it but.......ya know

I will be purchasing my Turkey gun here in the next year,before the 2006 season starts.I am going to go with the Mossberg 935 3.5" Auto.I like the feel of this gun alot and have been looking at it quite a bit plus I have the 835 so I already have all the chokes I will need for it already.The Rhino choke will be going on it as soon as I get it.
AA... A buddy of mine used to have a M97 fitted with a peep sight that he used for a turkey gun until it was stolen in a burglary.. Cool vintage turkey gun...

Kraven... Another buddy of mine just bought a 935 last summer..He killed a fall bird with it and is currently in Florida with it chasing Osceolas..He likes it so far...
Pygmy said:
Rufus.... Nice rigs.... Why the pump gun for the Gould's trip..?? No autos allowed in Sonora, or are there ammo issues for the 10 gauge....??

What outfitter are you hunting with down there..??...I have a good friend going this year...Hunting with Wingshooters...
I have read that it is easier to enter the country with a pump that an auto. although both are a pain in the ass these days. And the express is cheap enough that I can afford to "lose" it to a greedy mexican official.
Rufous....Good idea on the Express..Never thought of that..

Neither did my buddy, who plans to take his Benelli SBE with him... hump ....

So when do you plan to go..??...
No time set as of now. need to take a osceola first, probably do that next year. I think now that the federales have started watching the firearms that we bring in real closely, the chances of a heavy-handed border guard is pretty unlikely but,,,,, it has happened
Going for just the royal slam or do you plan to eventually add an oscellated for the world slam..??..

Those oscellateds are goonie lookin' critters, but they sure are PURTY and they have AWESOME spurs......!!...
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