Caribou Gear Tarp

CWD in Canada.....



Update: Edmonton Game Farm Deer Tests Positive For CWD
The Canadian Cervid Council announced last week that the first case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) at a Canada white-tailed deer game farm has been confirmed near Edmonton.

Two area deer farms have been quarantined and a 2-week moratorium on the movement of farmed white-tailed deer and mule deer has been ordered, the council said via a news release.

The moratorium doesn’t include deer going directly to slaughter, as all venison is held pending a negative test for CWD.

In related news, Kentucky wildlife officials announced plans to test 1,000 hunter-harvested deer and elk for CWD this fall. Ohio wildlife officials also announced plans to test 500 deer for CWD this fall, despite state officials’ skepticism that any will test positive.

And the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) has imposed a permanent ban on the import of all live grazing cervids.

The ban, which replaces a temporary rule imposed in August, includes farmed elk and all exotic deer species such as fallow, axis and sika deer.

FWC Commissioners did not impose a permanent ban on parts of deer and elk brought back to Oregon by an estimated 4,000 residents who hunt in other states.

However, strict rules for hunters under the temporary August action remain in effect until February.

Those rules allow hunters to bring back only boned or cut and wrapped meat, no brain parts, whole heads or spines and only hides and portions of clean skull plates with the antlers attached.

The FWC’s rule will be reviewed again in 2 years.

For more information on the ban, contact the FWC at: (800) 858-1549
Im sorry but the US dept of Ag need to SHUT DOWN EVERY GAME FARM THAT HAS DEER OR ELK!!! this is getting out of hand the way they were allowed to transport animals across state lines.

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