Caribou Gear

CVA Wolf and Blackhorn 209


New member
Aug 4, 2019
I'm shooting a CVA Wolf with Blackhorn 209 and full bore bullets. I'm using the Blackhorn breechplug and I am trying 350gr Federal BOR Lok bullets (lead alloy, I believe). Open sights only are legal in Colorado and no sabots or pellets. Can't get it to shoot consistent groups, even at 50 yards. Anyone have any suggestions or other bullets that you've had success with?
Haven't tried blackhorn yet (that'll be this week) but I had really good grouping at 100 last week with 100 gr white hot pellets and 338 gr premium powerbelts. 3 shots touching, one shot an inch high. Running two passes with dry patch through between shots. Also shot through a cva wolf.
Haven't tried that combo yet, but I did spend some time a month ago working up a load for my blackpowder rifle (I can use sabots here). I found I had to try several combinations of bullets, sabots, and powder loads to get what I was looking for. I did, however, only use BH209, just in different volumes. I also measured by weight, not volume because I am a bit anal about consistency. I ended up with a one ragged hole 3 shot group at 100 yards. I stopped testing after that and counted my blessings.

I would suggest trying multiple combinations of powder charges and bullets until you find what works for your gun. Pretty much just like reloading.
I’m going through the same thing right now with a Knight LK93. I started out with 440g hydra Con’s and 120g of Triple 7. Too much recoil for my new shoulder. Moved down to 410g Hornady same charge but not tight groups. My last group today was 370g Maxi-ball with 100g of Triple 7 and a fiber wad. The wad seems to have made a difference. My next session is starting there along with some Hornady Great Plains 385g, same charge and a wad.
I measure by volume but I’m going to see if I can get all equal in volume/weight as well. I’m just learning with CO right around the corner...
I hope you have better luck than I have had with a TC Omega. Im also hunting CO in Sep and have been shooting for months trying multiple different options. If I were you I would try all the powerbelt bullets since its a CVA bullet. Also make sure you are using a CCI magnum or a Federal 209A primer with the BH209. For me the bullet that has been the best but still not very consistent has been the 300 grain Thor. Thor bullets do require you to get the sample pack to get the bullet that fits your barrel the best. but with that said I myself will be trying a different gun with a better barrell. going to try a CVA accura with the Bergara barrell. Ive been doing a lot of reading and also talked with TC and the TC barrells are designed to shoot sabots rather than conicals. besides that muzzleloading with concials can be very challenging so keep a positive attitude and try to elimate all the varibles you can. Make sure your shooting from a very stable rock solid bench and use a leadsled or some sort of a solid rest with sand bags, shooting bags, etc. Also make sure your using a target that works for your eyes and the sights you are using. Are you using the basic fiber optic sights? if so maybe consider going to a peep sight or a ghost ring or also a globe front sight with a lee shaver insert. There are a ton of variables out there so I hope you have the time,money,etc before the season starts. If not you will just have to really rely on your hunting skills to get close for point blank shot :) Im far from a pro or veteran at this but have been in the same boat with you for the last 6 months so you can PM me also if you have more specific questions about a bullet, powder, etc.
I am going to try the CCI primers with the Thor bullet next. I will keep you posted. Thanks for the information. I also have an Austin Halleck which I took a bull with a couple of years ago shooting 777 and Hornady FPB but it weighs 8+ pounds! I weigh a buck 30. I bought this CVA Wolf because it weighs 6 pounds and had a muzzle brake put on it to reduce the recoil. But if I can't work up a load that's consistent, I might be shooting the anchor again.
I'm shooting a CVA Wolf with Blackhorn 209 and full bore bullets. I'm using the Blackhorn breechplug and I am trying 350gr Federal BOR Lok bullets (lead alloy, I believe). Open sights only are legal in Colorado and no sabots or pellets. Can't get it to shoot consistent groups, even at 50 yards. Anyone have any suggestions or other bullets that you've had success with?
Had the same problem in my Wolf. I was using 100 or 150 grains of Pyrodex with 295 power belts and 3 inches was about average for a group at 50 yards. I didn’t worry too much because I only used it with open sights for hunting in the woods in NC and I actually killed an 8 point at 75 yards with it. I eventually quit hunting with it because no matter how I held my hand around grip the recoil would slam the handle to open the action into my middle finger and it would hurt for a couple days and have a knot lol
300 Grain Thors with 85- 100 grains on BH209 should be fine. Be sure to seat the bullet with firm and consistent pressure for each shot.
I have had great accuracy success with the Hornady FPB in 350 gr and 110 gr of Blackhorn and a peep sight on my TC Omega. I use the Federal 209 primer as well. Easy to load as well.

Only one animal taken with that combo, my friend, but I watched as he drilled a muley at 185 yards through the lungs. Ran 40 yards and died.
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