CVA ramrod guide clips and loading tips


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2019
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA
Are you all running only the ramrod in the field? The loading tips/jags don’t fit through the ramrod guide clips, so it would be a time consuming process to screw that on when reloading (in the granted unlikely follow up shot opportunity).

I have a couple different custom ends for the various bullets I shoot, but most od’s are close to bore diameter and won’t go through the clips.

What to do?
The bullet I had trouble with was the Hornady Bore Driver ELD-X. When using the ramrod only, the bullet attached and left the gas check when pulling the ramrod back out.



I could put some putty or something down in the threads to keep it from grabbing the polymer tip, but I don’t want to lose the ability to thread the projectile specific tips. I guess the first seating is most important, so I may just carry the tip in my pocket and waste the 15 seconds spinning it on for follow ups. And to be realistic, how common are follow-up shots other than a final shot when walking up on one bedded down and dying?
What’s the other end of the ramrod like? Sometimes you can flip them around backwards and leave the end with your attachment near the muzzle
What? Why?

Why wouldn’t you just put the other end of the ramrod through the guide so the jag sits under the muzzle when the ramrod is stowed?
Guessing the other end has a palm saver (mine does, and I wouldn’t want to go without it).

I use Federal BorLocks and just go straight ramrod as well. Would a half-turn immediately after seating allow you to remove the ramrod without pulling the bullet?
Keep your palmsaver with your reloads and leave the jag towards the muzzle. Or have the jag turned down to the same diameter as the rod. I've done the latter to a few now and it's worked pretty well.
You don't need a palm saver attached to the ramrod if you have a bullet starter with a palm saver with a hole for the ram rod.
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