Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Crybaby time


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Soddy Daisy, TN USA
Dammitman, I think my arm is gonna fall off! Went to Health Dept yesterday to get typhoid shot since mine had expired....sweet cute nurse talked me into tetnes booster, starting Hep B series, flu shot and pnemonia vacination....damn...glad rest were up to date! All I gotta do now is not forget my malaria pills....leave for Botswana on 29APR.
Get the once a week pills, not the doxycycline! You can get a lung infection from Doxy!
I remember my wife complaining about all the shots when she went there. Africa used to not appeal to me, but that has changed and I hope to go someday. I'll be watching for a photo filled account on here when you get back, maybe that will help inspire me to quit thinking of going and just go. Good luck!
Hep A, diptheria, Polio booster, yellow fever are all still good....good thing about Hep B series is sweet nursy , in convincing me to get it, said you are not a medical professional but you act and look like the type that may need it....we have a date tomorrow night to check her theory...

BTW, for malaria, mefloquine works well for me....my youngest son tried it in Costa Rica....NOT!!...his gull fren at time had to get him off cieling cause he was flying with angels and running from winged monkeys...so, my recommendation on malaria is is, convince your doc to let you try Larium (mafloquinne) before you go....don't want to be trying to shoot a flying elephant...
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good thing about Hep B series is sweet nursy , in convincing me to get it, said you are not a medical professional but you act and look like the type that may need it....we have a date tomorrow night to check her theory...
Yep that is what my nurse said to me, still married to her 26 years on, just be careful!
I have to go and get a couple shots as well. Reading this just reminded me I have to do it. Not looking forward to it of course. :(
Also just got my perscription for Malaria as well. I am sure they will cost a bit for those.
Leaving August 10th for Leopard and Buffalo with Zambezi hunters in Zim. Can't wait. I told them to start feeding me a cat before I got there so I hope it all goes well.
I thought the shot series I got to go to Desert Storm was bad...unilt I got small pox and anthrax vaccines to go to Iraq this time...screw all that
Heli guy friend of mine is leaving on Tue for TX and then over to where the camel people live. His wife is from MX and they are leaving on Mon. He is not happy, but he has to do what he has to do. This is his last deployment?? Right, this is number 4. Going to spend my Easter Sunday helping out a fellow vet move his stuff into storage. VERY SMALL price for me to pay.
Hey Phil, everything I have heard about Zambezi Hunters has been positive. Hope you have a great hunt especially for Mr. Spots! Mine took two hunts and 28 days.....dang glad I had other stuff on quota to play with like Buffalo! Love them critters!