PEAX Equipment

Continental Divide Trail - Public easement when it crosses private?


Sep 16, 2016
Central IN
Doing some e-scouting and noticed the CDT runs through some of the units I was scouting in WY. Is the CDT public access/easement when it crosses private land in WY? My google search wasn't good enough to give me a clear answer.

I would think that any area of contention would be resolved by now. Lots of people hike the CDT. If there's a problem I'd bet the trail has been diverted.
Although America’s most challenging trail is not complete, with good maps, a compass, and thorough planning, a person can currently travel from Mexico to Canada following close to the geographic Continental Divide. Signs and markings identifying the CDT vary. Some segments are on well-marked trail, while others require cross-country travel on a line of sight. In some areas, the CDT temporarily follows roads to avoid trespassing on private lands and/or until a better, non-motorized route can be built. Currently, 76% of the CDT is complete and located on non-motorized trail.

Expect the CDT to skirt private lands or use public rights-of-way through them.
Sounds like in a checker board hunting unit I would need to clarify with the game warden that I could use the CDT to cross private land to access public pieces.

Thanks for the info
Sounds like in a checker board hunting unit I would need to clarify with the game warden that I could use the CDT to cross private land to access public pieces.
That would be wise

I hiked the length of the Appalachian Trail and there were some areas where private easement along the trail led to landlocked public, and use of those public areas for camping, fishing, etc. was not restricted. I think probably the biggest difference here, though, is Eastern vs. Western politics. Generally speaking, the further East you travel in the US public land access is viewed as a right to all, whereas, the further West it tends to favor industry (energy corporations, private lease, ranching, etc.).
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