Caribou Gear Tarp

Consider yourself lucky Nut, you have a job


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Nut, at least you have a job. My sc***ag bosas fire my ass today. Yup, I was fired for telling the truth. Yep, it is true, I was fired for trying to do my job, and was truthfull about it. My ex boss is nothing but a big c**t. On top of losing my job, I have also lost my housing. By the end of the onth we may be living in our little camper. Man, today really sucks!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear it! Unless you were fired for cause and your housing is job related you CAN NOT be tossed out of home without a housing court order(especially with such short notice). I'd talk to a legal beagle first thing.

I'm terribly sorry to hear that, Bill. There's got to be something you guys can do? How about posting your qualifications. Somebody here should know of something for you and LB.

Hang in there. You're in our prayers.
Thanks guys. There are a few options for us here. Finding a job here is the easy part, it is finding a place to live here that is the hard part. Because of the housing situation, that is why we may just auction off most of what we have and start all over as most of it came from yard sales anyway. Harder part is finding a place to live where you can have a dog and we aren't going to part with our 9 month old pup anymore than we would part with any member of the family.

[ 08-06-2004, 08:24: Message edited by: Elkhunter ]
Man that is awful. I hope everything works out. I am glad to hear you will have no problem finding another job, but the housing situation really sucks especially with the housing market Jackson has. Best of luck.
As many have already said, that sucks. If there is anything we can do, let us know. Maybe help with $$ for a deposit? Sometimes landlords/owners will let you have your dog there if you put some additional money as a deposit against any pet damage that may occur. Usually a couple hundred bucks works...
Chas, my ex employer is the manager of the complex we caretake at. When she became the manager of the condo complex, the complex wanted an onsight caretaker, which is what my wife and I took and lived on the premises. I woked full time for the property management comapany (my ex boss) and worked at the complex for my housing. Housing in a very nice place for 500 hours a year of duties onsight, weeding, checking the vacant condos onnce a week during Nov. - May and keeping the sidewalks free of snow over the winter. Once my job was terminated, she made arrangements with the President of the assocation to have me vacated from the premises by Aug. 29th.
Sorry to hear about it Elkhunter. Seems like there is no such thing as job security any more, no matter where you work or what you do. Hang in there, you seem like the kind of person that can fall in shit and come out smelling like a rose.
That royally stinks Elky.
I can almost understand what you are going through. ;) The stress level is high and at times almost unbearable. What helps me is the knowledge that regardless on how others have some sway in my life that my family is always there for me. You will get through this and will be happy that you are your own man.
Sounds like you worked for a "bitch", consider maybee living in a travel trailer/campground for awhile [its cheap] and if jobs are no problem maybee that would work, but i hope you land on both feet and Good luck to you.
Damn Bill, sorry to hear that. Nothing worse than being burned over the truth. I still think you can foght being thrown out on short notice. Even the welfare people here get 90 days before the sherrif can evict them even without paying rent. I'd make em do it the hard way, especialy if I was in the right to begin with. But I'm that kind of a$$H@1e. Best of luck to you.
Bill, Thats a real bitch, Anything me and Tara can do for ya? Would be happy to help.

Maybe you should consider moving to I.F.,,then we could do lunch alot more often :D

Good luck.
That sucks Bill. It sounds like a good time to pack your stuff into storage and take a vacation. I have a nice place for you to park your camper in Pa if you're interested.....dogs and horses welcome. If there's anything else I can do for you and Michelle just let me know. ;)
Damn Bill,, :mad: When I talked to those people last year on the condo.,,, they spoke nothing but the best for you and LB :mad: If there is ANYTHING Becky and I can do don't think twice about calling...Man,, that just pisses me off :mad: :mad: .... The invite still standsfor you and LB to come out here and do some fishing...I'm not a horse man,,but I have room for a freinds horse anytime...

Like the others have said “that’s BS” Elk. Renters have rights!!! I'd check with one of those Lawyers (some will give you a free 30 min consultation, look around.) I think I've heard of renters staying on for a year while fighting eviction. If there’s anything we can do to help, just holler.

Elky..... UHhhh WOW !!! I don't understand what you said that got you kicked out ? If you Ran over the Tenents Cats and Flowers and told the Truth about that I can See why they are mad.... But if you weeded the garden and told them you did I wouldn't understand.. :confused:

At any rate, If you're going to Pawn off Stuff (Good Stuff) jsut let me know. I would be willing to "HOLD" stuff at a Price and When you're setted in in a few months give them back to ya at the same price. Selling stuff and Trying to replace them later with new Stuff ends up Costing you alot !!!! Not a good way of going.

At any rate, I had Chineese food and my Fortune Cooky Friday said "A friends luck will change for the worse, but will be for the better". I'm sure they meant you and LB bud !!!

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