Commisioner Vermillion Confirmed!


New member
Apr 22, 2011
On a 27-23 vote, Commissioner Dan Vermillion was confirmed to another four year term. The anti-Montana sportsmen legislators failed again. This session showed how the resident sportsmen of Montana can defeat the anti-public wildlife crowd when they put their mind to it.

Sorry, I misspelled Commissioner in the Thread Title.
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First they tried to postpone the vote indefinitely, then they tried to postpone it till the last day, then Brendan tried to not bring it up, or carry it, So another Senator asked if he could. Then they argued about it, and recessed for 2 minutes. Then they let 2 proponents, and 2 opponents speak. Those the spoke against really don't like sportsman. We're not worthy, or as royal of blood as "THEIR" people are.

Remember this year. Vote these A holes "OUT".
That's great news! The Montana Wildlife Federation deserves a lot of credit for this, as well as helping to defeat a slew of bills designed to favor commercial interests and non-residents over Montana sportsmen and public wildlife. MWF is the ONLY group that consistently stands up for the interests of Montana residents. SFW, RMEF, MDF, NRA and others are sell-outs to outfitters and commercial interests.

I think MWF has around 7,000 members. I'm not even a member, but I'm going to join now. And I and all of my friends and relatives are going on a major membership drive. We need to get all 200,000 resident license holders in Montana to join - image what we could accomplish!

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