I grew up here and have never squirrel hunted, other than with pellet guns in the suburban back yard - which I'm thinking my be the best bet still. I want to get out soon with my winter boredom and see what I can come up with, but honestly am at a loss as to where to go. I'd be fine to just go tromping in to most any of the national forest along the foothills and check it out. But I'd like to at least start somewhere that is, at the very least, known to not be sucky, and I get the feeling that most places just aren't good to go for squirrels. I've heard Rampart Range and Red Feather might be places to go, what about anywhere closer to Denver? Any particular SWA's that are good for this? Right now I'm thinking if all else fails I'll either go wandering about Bergen or Ralston to see what's what. Similar question for rabbits.