Colorado Open Fire Ban.. Lifted


New member
Jan 24, 2002
So you guys don't have to freeze your butt..

Statewide Open Burning Ban Lifted
Governor Announces Decision Following Recent Rains
Posted: 2:28 p.m. MDT September 12, 2002

DENVER -- Gov. Bill Owens announced Thursday that the statewide ban on open burning has been lifted, based on the recommendation of the State Forester.

The ban was imposed on June 4 when the fire danger was high to extreme in many areas.

State Forrester Jim Hubbard recommended that "with the approach of cooler fall weather and improved moisture conditions" the ban on open burning should be lifted. The risk of fire throughout the state is predicted to be low to moderate. Hubbard also pointed out that with recent precipitation, the concern in some areas of the state has shifted "from wildfire to flooding and debris flow."

"I want to thank Coloradans and our visitors this summer for their understanding and cooperation with the open fire ban. All indications are that compliance with the ban was widespread," said Owens. "While it is still very important to exercise caution with fire when visiting our forests, it also appears that conditions are improving and that the extreme danger has passed."

Owens reminded local officials that they still have the responsibility to assess fire conditions in their areas and impose local burning restrictions as necessary. Federal forest managers also may continue to impose fire restrictions.

Since April, over 2,000 wildfires were reported in Colorado with 98 percent of the fires extinguished before they reached 10 acres. The early attacks on the fires usually occurred from the air with five tanker planes leased by the state. The tankers were placed on standby starting in April with $450,000 in emergency funds released by the Governor.

"Having the air tankers standing by greatly improved response time, in some situations from 24 hours to 24 minutes. Even so, it has been a challenging and sometimes tragic summer. Tens of thousands of firefighters have been on the lines and, thanks to their efforts, countless homes were saved. These brave individuals are the true heroes of this summer in Colorado," said Owens.

Over 16,000 firefighters worked in suppressing the state's wildfires this summer.
Copyright 2002 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

are you going to be using the new tent you got at our RMEF Banquet (castle rock?? I didn't realize tmsander was you...I am slow.

In cast your wondering I am Michael M...

I was wondering if I was going to have to leave mine at home too. Take care
Hey Bo... small world! I didn't know you were you either!

Yeah, will be using that tent and the one I already had. Sleep tent and cook tent... that's the ticket. Unfortunately, I only have one stove and we cook on it. So the sleep tent will get a bit chilly.

Huh?? Man that sucks. what's the deal? Well hopefully they'll lift it before the season?? I see the mtns got some snow over the weekend. that is good!
Kenetrek Boots

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