
Colorado non-res Doe license, $412 and draw only?

I’m with @Southern Elk. If you want to kill doe you can go to the southeast and get a license in some states for under $400 that will let you kill several bucks and doe. It’s a different landscape but still beautiful.

Then just go do a camping/hiking/glassing/fishing trip in Colorado.
Yeah sorry I read that in reverse.

I’m a moron my apologies, I will be over here taking my foot out of my mouth.
I’ve decided that removing the foot is too much effort. I just leave mine in there these days.
In New York State as a non resident I paid $100 for a license including buck tag and I think $10 per additional doe tag last year.
$400 for a Mule deer doe sounds like a really bad deal to me.
Good lord $400 for a doe, no thanks. For about 100 bucks I can hunt early bow, extended bow, buck season, extended shotgun, muzzleloader, and winter bow every single day from Sept into February, kill a bunch of bucks, and unlimited does including multiple per day in some areas.

Of course, I barely do any of that, but instead spend all my free time on huntalk and fish&game websites every day in between planning and scheming for my 1 or 2 week trip somewhere out west. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Just not for a $400 doe.