Colorado native BRAND new to hunting.. I have oh so many questions

Really appreciate it! Right now I'm going out and scouting spots. I know it's early, I'm not really looking for "game" since I don't know if they'll still be there come Oct/Nov, but just comparing the CPW atlas with winter/summer ranges and migration routes and trying to identify good glassing/ambush locations at various altitudes so I'm prepared depending on how much snow we get in the fall. Right now I'm thinking it'll be pretty warm still so I'm focusing a bit more at the higher alt. then where I saw them last Jan. Also just trying to get in shape by hiking with a 50lb ruck sack just in case I am successful.. Thoughts?
I like to find animal sign and try and ID what made it, when, and why. For example: mule deer buck scat 1+ month old, prime feeding area in late spring. The more you learn about how the animals use the landscape, the better you will be at knowing where to search for them during the hunt.

I like to pick potential glassing spots using google earth pro, and then confirm those in person. Sometimes I get there and find the downslope trees block the view or it’s too steep, etc.
Welcome!! I too was an AOH (adult onset hunter). I grew up in the inner city with zero hunting exposure. A buddy in the Army twisted my arm to take him into the Fort Lewis training areas in my jeep so he could "scout" for deer. Got me out that year and I was hooked. That was 16 years ago (5 of which were spent in Europe with no hunting) and in my 11 hunting seasons I have been lucky enough to harvest quail, chukkar, pheasant, ducks, geese, WT and mule deer, pronghorn, bear and elk. It is a good addiction to have and the chow is great!!! The more folks you meet, the more opportunities will open up and success will follow. Congratulations on your move to this pursuit.
Sometimes asking questions are what us newbies have to offer. I’ve learned a lot by reading old forums on here using the search of topic and read through. The questions asked are questions I didn’t know I had yet which brings my knowledge along even faster. Some guys do take issue with specific unit, spots, mountain questions but a lot of time even then you get one or two guys who PM. Don’t expect them to shoot over their way points on OnX but some are more than happy to confirm information you may already be on. That was probably the best thing I’ve received from this forum made a friendship/ mentor he doesn’t just tell me go here do this and you’ll get it done. I take ideas and spots I find and just run it by him as like a hunt plan. He then says yes that’s a great idea or maybe it’s no and he’ll tell me that though it looks like you’d have a consistent thermal/wind because of this hill or creek the wind is in constant swirl. Things like that. That was by far the toughest thing when I first started researching areas was I thought I had good ideas and good spots but was always second guessing myself because I had no confirmation of my ideas. Welcome to the most fun addiction you’ll ever have. Good luck this season.

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