Colorado gives a Hillary card.

Not a defense of anybody involved here but you do also have to factor in the $5,000 donation to the RMEF. I do agree $86 for the accomplices is pretty pathetic. The Colorado "Samson Law" dictates an automatic $10,000 fine for the illegal hunting of a trophy animal (defined as 6+ points for elk) but I have heard of at least one other case where a plea deal was used to reduce the fine (if memory serves, to the $5k range as well).
NM has the $10k rule too,but it has only been used once that I know of.
I do not understand why no one seems to get full fine or lifetime loss of license for these offenses.
But then again this is NM.....
My guess for the fine is they'll spend more than the $5k (or whatever the reduction ends up being) in legal fees to prosecute and procure the full $10k, so its worth it financially to plea down.
Variant on the old saying...'money & influence talks and money & influence walks.'
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I'm on mobile, so I can't post a screenshot, or at least I don't know how. But if anybody wants a good laugh, visit the "Big Game forever "Facebook page.
Words that start with 'C' are confusing.
Unbelievable, people are desperate to make a name for themselves. I wonder if it was on the EnCana property north of Parachute? They should lose their jobs and face tougher fines.

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