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Colorado best elk muzzleloader


Aug 3, 2013
Staten Island, NY
Hi All, Looks like I may be going to Colorado Elk hunting next year 2018. I have no clue, other than I hear it's similar than run and gun turkey hunting back east. I'm looking for opinions on muzzleloaders, bullets and powder charges to fit the bill; etc. Any other advice on How too's would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
That is exactly what I am doing this year. You can't use sabots, pellets, or scopes with your front stuffer. I am using Blackhorn 209 & Thor bullets. You will just have to find the load that works best out of your rifle because they all shoot different. My rifle is a T/C Impact and it shoots great with Thor bullets and 90 grain of Blackhorn 209.
I second BH209. It's great powder. I feel like my CVA shoots better with pellets so I'm sticking with them. But for CO, I leave my ML sighted in w my peep sight and BH209 and pop off my QD scope rings.

The way I read the rules, a Powerbelt or similar modern projectile would be allowed. Just not a sabot. I find that strange. Not sure why sabot jackets are disallowed unless it's for litter control. Don't use my opinion to stay out of trouble w the law.

CO has some very restrictive ML regs. i used to think they were needlessly restricted until I met a guy shooting his Remington 700 UML at 400 yards at the local range. I would be uncomfortable with that long of a shot w my rifle. Now I would appreciate some more primitive restrictions on the primitive weapon weapon hunts.
A friend years ago used a Hornady Great Plains hollow point MZ bullet, 50 cal 250 grains. 2 of them fragmented and didn't a) break the neck or 2) penetrate the shoulder. Yes, angle and shot placement were issues. So, I recommend staying away from anything with a hollow point.

I have used Power Belt bullets on whitetails and have killed them but gotten poor penetration and fragmenting. I do not recommend them for an elk sized critter.

I would go with any free flowing powder and solid lead bullet that shoots well. Each rifle will have its own wants in terms of powder charge and bullet type & weight for best accuracy. A lot depends on how much playing around you want to do. I also think that a heavier bullet of 300 grains is a good idea.

Regarding the sights, lose the rear sight and install a peep sight. Much better accuracy that the standard sights since a scope can't be used.

Just my $0.02....
I put tru-glo ghost rings on me and my wife's muzzleloaders. They greatly improved our accuracy. I got them on Amazon for about $30 each. They are also Colorado legal.
I am using a T/C Omega, 350gr Hornady FPB's and 110 of Blackhorn. I use a williams peep and the stock front sight. I just sighted this combo in on Wednesday last week and 2 inches high at 60 put me dead on at 100. I want to go out and reverify as it was 103 with the heat index and about 90% humidity.. not fun shooting.
Hi All, Great advice Here! Thanks Much! I've done some research, and leaning betweeen the cva V2 LR or the cva PR. As you know I'm going elk huniting in Colorado next year. Any thoughts are appreciated. Good Luck Redman ! Keep us posted! Jim
While we're in learning mode here...

I'm a newbie muzzy owner/hunter. I have a CVA Optima V2 which I think is a great gun so far. Right now I am firing the 245 gr PowerBelt Aerotip bullets, with Triple 7 powder.
In the couple of hours of shooting I have done, I have noticed that if I don't clean after every shot, I cannot push the bullet down the last 1 1/2". There is a crud ring from the
powder in the barrel which is leaving too much residue after each shot.
This seems excessive to me.

Is it the powder? The bullet? The clean Colorado air? What's up? I could see cleaning after every few shots, but every shot? Seems impractical to me.
Any pointers would be helpful.


CVA Optima V2 50 Cal.
BH 209 Powder
CCI Magnum Shot Shell Primer
460 grain No Excuses sabot bullet...........never seen a bull run further then 30 yards. They are killers!!!
54 cal with Patched Roundball. I have a 50 cal TC Hawken and it is a hammer on WT using PRB. If i was going to have something dedicated to elk i would go with a 54 to get the added mass. I tried Peep sights, but with progressive lenses in my glasses, they just dont work out too well,, so I went with Fiberoptic sights.
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