
Colorado bears


Dec 23, 2000
A little tidbit I found while perusing the Colorado General Assembly page. I'm guessing this has less than a snowball's chance...

CO bears
it's funny that the same people that voted to get the hunting taken away are the same ones filing for property damage claims. I would love to see a spring season....and baiting
We're thinking about pushing for some sort of spring baiting season in parts of Montana that are getting hit hard by predators. We know that baiting can be abused badly by outfitters and and others who would put baits out in every drainage. So we're thinking of a limited entry (permits) for baiting, no more than 3 sites, etc. We thought of archery only, but then the thinking was, does is matter if it was archery or firearm? We need a few more bear killed in our region. Especially where the elk numbers are low.
It would be nice, but its still has to get by the population of Denver un-noticed (fat chance)
We're thinking about pushing for some sort of spring baiting season in parts of Montana that are getting hit hard by predators. We know that baiting can be abused badly by outfitters and and others who would put baits out in every drainage. So we're thinking of a limited entry (permits) for baiting, no more than 3 sites, etc. We thought of archery only, but then the thinking was, does is matter if it was archery or firearm? We need a few more bear killed in our region. Especially where the elk numbers are low.

My opinion- anyone thats serious enough of a bear hunter to want to draw a bait permit is probably going to kill a bear anyways. I really don`t want a bait season in MT.
I was looking around on the DOW sight yesterday and there's a big issue going on with bears in my neck of the woods...public meetings and questionaires and stuff
My opinion- anyone thats serious enough of a bear hunter to want to draw a bait permit is probably going to kill a bear anyways. I really don`t want a bait season in MT.

That's how the process will go. Questions and answers. We need to get some kill in parts of Montana, and there is baiting going on anyway.

It might not be necessary, but we are looking into it. Keeping options open. The elk counts are coming in, and they don't look good.:W:
Just bears eat elk and deer? I'm talking about actually killing and eating them? I would imagine the youngins/newborn elk and deer would be prime for the taking by bears. Correct? But what about adults? Is it likely that bears go after adult elk and deer or would they let the cats/wolves make the kill and then the bears feast on the remains?
Black bears are extremely hard on elk calves in the spring. I don't think they are much of a major player the rest of the year. They are opportunist and will kill any game they can catch.
Black bears are extremely hard on elk calves in the spring. I don't think they are much of a major player the rest of the year. They are opportunist and will kill any game they can catch.

You are absolutely correct. In fact, elk calf mortality in our part of the state, during the first month of a calf's life, is highest from bears. Both blackies and grizz.

I fully intend to shoot a black one this spring, even if it requires me to eat that thing. It helps the management of things I enjoy eating much more than bear. Hopefully some day, those bigger silvertips will be open and we can do some management of their impacts, also.

People like their bumper stickers that say, "Eat a wolf, save an elk." If they saw the data of how many calves black bear eat, they would be after bears until they fill their tag or season ends.
That's how the process will go. Questions and answers. We need to get some kill in parts of Montana, and there is baiting going on anyway.

It might not be necessary, but we are looking into it. Keeping options open. The elk counts are coming in, and they don't look good.:W:

Two bear limit, longer season, reduced price NR tags- lots of options I`d rather see than baiting.
IIRC, a study in Yellowstone showed a higher precentage of elk calves are lost to bears than wolves, FWIW.

I'd be for a reduced NR bear tag price in MT!!! :D That said, if someone gets one tied to a tree or wants to point me in the right direction, I plan on chasing bears somewhere next spring, so if you need some "management help" let me know! ;) :D

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