Chris Brackett - CWD expert

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
As if the TV hosts don't have a big enough image problem, along comes Einstein of the animal disease world. Link below about his highly scientific theory of CWD.

Small excerpt quoted below.

During a recent interview about deer lures and concerns about CWD, Brackett challenged the need for a urine scent ban and the widely accepted belief that the disease is fatal.

“There has never been an animal die of CWD,” Brackett said. “Never, never, never.”

For accuracy, he was asked to repeat the claim and expand on it.

“I was fortunate enough to learn from a person who was one of the first people to discover CWD. I picked his brain for nine days,” said Brackett. “The fact is, what does with CWD do … they’re not dying from it. I think we’ve got a lot bigger problems than urine being spread.”

With no single universally accepted authority on chronic wasting disease, Brackett said, “people are just going to guess and guess.” Pressed for more information on his theory, Brackett suggested the disease is the result of human activity.

“If you trace back CWD and where it comes from, it’s from nuclear testing out West,” he said. “I’m not an expert, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck … ”
I don't know HOW this idiot ever got a show to start with. Completely obnoxious and WAY over the top. I don't know anyone around here that likes him. We just wish he would shut up and go away. Another douchebag that gives Illinois a bad name.
The tin foil hat business is underrated. I need to find some venture capitalist to fund the first 1000 feet of Reynolds Wrap and get some small asian children making these things


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What a jacka$$. I"m thinking maybe he wears one of those armadillo helments like that guy did in dukes of hazzard, and if he doesn't maybe he should.
He sounds an awful lot like a group here in Illinois that has put CWD on the insurance companies. Basically, they think the state and the car insurance folks made up the whole CWD scare to lower car/deer collisions.
He told me on another forum to check out his Facebook page and show. I couldn't believe what I saw. What a jackass. I asked him once what exact evil I should not be fearing in the woods and he told me it was more about an attitude.
In my other life (egg-head college professor), I constantly run into well-meaning, but shall we say willingly under-educated, folks who would rather believe old wives tales then well-vetted science.

One of my favorite parts of the article is “When comparing rutting buck urine, human urine, estrous doe urine and ‘new car’ scent, there was no difference in visitation [of mock scrapes],” said Game Commission deer biologist Jeannine Fleegle. ”The conclusion was that deer were visiting out of curiosity and not out of sexual attraction.”

Perhaps I smell a business opportunity....
He's from about 40 miles west of me and I can assure you that most people in IL don't claim him!

I will say, our states actions for combating CWD is quite unpopular. Sharp shooting entire regions to irradicate a population completely, excessive tags, more and more firearms seasons...
In my other life (egg-head college professor), I constantly run into well-meaning, but shall we say willingly under-educated, folks who would rather believe old wives tales then well-vetted science.

One of my favorite parts of the article is “When comparing rutting buck urine, human urine, estrous doe urine and ‘new car’ scent, there was no difference in visitation [of mock scrapes],” said Game Commission deer biologist Jeannine Fleegle. ”The conclusion was that deer were visiting out of curiosity and not out of sexual attraction.”

Perhaps I smell a business opportunity....

Turtle Wax Estrous need a partner? Lol
This is great news, now I can just transport my deer back to my home state whole and when the game warden asks me why I didn't remove the brain matter, I'll just scream "Booyah!" and peel out down the road
I remember being up drinking late one night and he was doing a turkey hunting episode. The turkeys got rather close and he arrowed one, then he looks at the camera and says...the scent lock was in full effect, they never smelled us!! (after a bunch of booyahs)