Cheaper nonresident elk and deer lic in Colorado!



I read that nonresident lics are going down in Colorado next year. Thats good news cause I'll be hunting there if I don't draw in Wyoming. I was planing on hunting the first five day season but they changed the second season to nine days and I sure would like that extra time. Decisions-decisions. :) don
Yeah, I'll bet that $5 savings on a license is going to make a big difference for a lot of hunters. ;)

The second season has been 9 days long for the last two years. Good luck.

More Ammo, If you are equipped for the snow, try skipping the second season and try the Third Season or the First if you are just out for Elk. The second season can get too crowded. I kinda like the first, you can hunt and fish if you tag out early!
more ammo:

Oak is correct. Nonres tags will cost $5 less. That's tied to the cost of living or CPI or something like that.

The only signifigant change is the addition of a five-day break between the 3rd and 4th season. Everything else will remain substantially the same.

I always hunt the 3rd season. I hope for bad weather, which will drive elk out of the high country and consentrate them in the foothills.

KC :cool:
KC, as far as I know, there's only going to be a 4 day break btw the third and fourth season, with the 4th starting on Wednesday.

I am hearing from the DOW people here in Grand Junction that they wil have a big push on next season to have more elk taken to lower the overall herd numbers. They may be giving out a bunch of cow tags next season. That would be a real boost to our deer herds that appear to be trying to make a comeback around here.

As to which season to hunt next year that all depends on where you plan to hunt and what the weather has done.
They put out more cow tags every year. They need to allow individuals to buy more than two tags if they want to make a dent in the pop. Let the folks who can kill elk kill them if they want them. I'd be out hunting right now if they'd let me pick up another left over cow tag. There's still over 1000 cow tags left in the area I killed mine on Monday, but the season ends next week. They won't come close to selling all the tags.



I agree with you that they need to allow people to have more than one cow tag if they want to reduce elk populations. 15% of the hunters kill 85% of the elk. They need to get that 15% to kill more cows.

Increasing the number of cow tags offered to one person at a time, does not accomplish the goal of reducing elk populations. It only results in more unsuccessful hunters and more left over tags.

I have been a proponent of this strategy (multiple cow tags to one hunter) for several years and every time that I mention it to a game warden they say that would result in too many elk being killed. |oo If you want hunters to reduce elk populations, then you have to kill elk. Hello! :rolleyes:

KC and Oak,

I don't know where you guys hunt in Co. but around here the last few years all ya have to do is throw a rock and it seems you can hit an elk of some kind. I think a bigger problem is access to some of the elk later in the season. I have had many of my family out to hunt cows and we can ALWAYS find some cows to take. Some of them have had some shooting problems but we can always get into them. In contrast I hunted unit 61 for bulls this fall and we saw 24 bulls before we saw one cow. I think the count for the 4 day hunt was 43 bulls and 16 cows. We thought that very strange but that is what happened. Of course that area is managed a little differently.
Sounds like we hunt in similar places. I don't have any trouble finding elk to kill either, but after buying my bull tag, the DOW will only let me buy one cow tag. I would go kill at least a couple more, but instead, they'll let those tags go unsold. If nothing else, I think licenses still left over after a season begins should become type C licenses.

There's not many excuses for letting a cow tag go unfilled in CO.

here in new york in some of our suberb areas, they allow you to kill as many as you want, the deal is you have to kill one then go get another tag. I don't do it because i really don't want to go get a dead deer by someones pool, but alot of people do. mabey something like that would work for you guys.
So true Oak!! Now thta I have said that watch, I will fail to fill my cow tag now. I have been procrastinating about going out and doing it a bit. Maybe next week. I do agree with your idea about C tags and also elk farmers notion about more than 1 elk.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens in some of this country around here when all this gas drilling gets going hot and heavy. My favorite hunting area is supposed to have 58 holes poked in it as soon as they can get it done. There is nowhere for those critters to go when it starts. The deer are just making a comeback and will really take a hit. It is not gonna be pretty. I understand from insiders that they will be doing that from here to the Utah and Wyoming borders! Anything for the almighty dollar!!! Really makes me want to shoot someone.

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