
Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
5 of my buddies and I hunted with True North Safaris out of Yellowknife, NWT--we flew 65 minutes to Mackay Lake where the hunting camp was--we stayed in cabins with working toilets--had a shower cabin, satellite tv, bar/lodge, cookhouse and laundry facilities--place was top notch---tons of animals--saw a wolverine and shot at the little bugger, but dang at 400 yds and running this isn't an easy feat--anyway I missed--was bummed--later on in the hunt we saw 7 wolves and again had nothing but long range running shots--just not lucky--even had them ambushed but the wind swirled and one smelled us and well he was on the move--got 3 of them to stop and I howled at them and they howled back--we did this for about 10 minutes but they wouldn't come in---tons of caribou--we'd jump in the boats in the morn and head out--the lake is 100 miles long--you would spot caribou and beach the boat and jump out and size them up--or other times you'd go on hike and just look for them--was a great time--on my bigger one I must've looked over 5,000 caribou in 3 hours before I shot him-now that is hard to do as there were a couple that tempted me big time--had to sneak thru a bunch of other caribou to get off a shot--but since he was a head of me he never spooked when the other caribou ran off--of course they are almost always moving--he was quartering away from me, so I ran to a rock and layed down and blitzed him at 150yds--he didn't move--hit the ground so hard it's a wonder his teeth stayed in--the other one I got a bad laser reading on a rock he was near and shot him in the leg, then asked the guide to take another reading and he came up saying 506yds--shot again and knocked him down--I wouldn't have shot that far in the first place but I trusted the laser--problem was the rock was pretty big and he was behind it 150 yds--well I tell ya if you don't kill these things outright they don't die--had to put another one in him when we got to within a 100yds and he stood up and ran off--put it on his nose and sent fur flying==poleaxed him, well I thought--actually I clipped the back of his neck where you could see bone--no kidding--we walked up to him and we were talking and saying damn this thing isn't dead--you could see the neck bone--anyway his eyes are rolling around in his head and I'm saying good god I don't want to shoot him at point blank range when all of a sudden he stands up and starts to jaunt away--well at five yds the ol 338 sent him to the nether land this time--really quite amazing--yes a little dismayed at the range finder and surprised how hard they can be to kill if not put down the first time, but I got him after I wounded him and that's the bottom line IMO--chris



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