For many years before i was a reloader, i would buy factory ammo, all brands, and save the brass because “someday i was going to reload.” Well i did and I’ve been reloading now for about 5 or 6 years. I shoot a 270 Win. I recently decided to use a bag of Hornady brass that i had collected and develop a load for elk. I’m a bit of a data nut, thus I measure muzzle velocities etc. Doing 3-shot groups at the range, i noticed i had 2 different types of brass, some with Hornady stamped, others with Frontier stamped. Some of my groups were all Hornady, some all Frontier, some mixed. A quick google search told the story of where the Frontier brass came from, not important for now. The all-Hornady groups and all-frontier groups had pretty low Extreme Spread of 35-40fps. Something much more unexpected was that the Frontier cases produced significantly higher muzzle velocities than the Hornady cases, by 100 fps or more with the same powder charge, primer, bullet, everything. And the 3-shot groups with the mixed brass were a disaster, 140fps ES. Tonite i decided to weigh the Hornady’s vs the Frontiers to see which ones are heavier, which contains more brass. Turns out the Frontiers are heavier, 11-ish grams vs 12-ish grams. So why such a difference in muzzle velocity ??? All were full length sized at the same time. 3000 vs 3100+ fps difference. I’m sure there’s a logical answer and i can guess, but i want to hear what the HT wisdom has to say. Cheers… Pete