Caribou Gear Tarp

Cardinal Fever


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Cards vs. Eagles sells out in 6 minutes

by Carrie Watters - Jan. 11, 2009 06:11 PM
The Arizona Republic

The bandwagon overflowed within minutes on Sunday.
Arizona Cardinals fans starved for success gathered by the thousands at the stadium's box office to purchase tickets for next weekend's NFC Championship.

Most walked away empty-handed as season-ticket holders already had purchased tickets and the 20,000 or so for the general public were gone in record time.

Ticketmaster sold out in six minutes.

The Cards even added more tickets to the mix by upping University of Phoenix Stadium's standard 64,500 seats to more than 70,000.
It was a far cry from the team's first home playoff game a week ago when the NFL had to give two extensions before the game sold out.

I just took my Temp..... still 98.6....:D:D
6 minutes to sell that many tickets?

Doesn't sound like any thing is "over hyped", as it seems like the local community is pretty stoked over the Cardinals.

Cj, don't you have some coffee to go drink at WalMart?
It would be nice to see the cards get in the SB, I can't stand the Ravens although I'm in Md. I like like a good under dog.
6 minutes to sell that many tickets?

Doesn't sound like any thing is "over hyped", as it seems like the local community is pretty stoked over the Cardinals.

Cj, don't you have some coffee to go drink at WalMart?

Winning cures everything Jose,, Pay attention... they couldn't sell out their 1st playoff in 10 yrs... finally after 2/24 hr. black-outs lifted they did [well kinda] Pay attention Jose... they call it a sellout under 65,00 seats.... Fiesta bowl had sold out [ guess how many.seats].. The Headline in the Newspaper Screamed "FANS COME TO THE RESCUE" that was an out right lie... it was Leslie Pools/and U-PIG that made it a sellout... Follow the Money and the Hypehump... Since I Have a ticket on the Cards... I hope the "jiffy-pop dome is Rocking [it will be a great event for the home team] Just think They can make "HISTORY" :D:D:D:D again... and make "HISTORY":D:D:D:D if they make the super bowl... after all according to our press its a HISTORIC EVENT:D:D

You keep posting pictures of your "historic" wardrobe, (short shorts, polyester, etc...), and that doesn't mean you are over-hyped.

Why not either enjoy the ride, or enjoy others jumping on the bandwagon and enjoying the ride, instead of hating on yet another group of people?

Life is too short to hate....
Hate W.T.F.....I just tell it like it is.hump..YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH-MAN!:D|oo...P.S. I don't jump on Bandwagons ... I build them!:eek:

I will,be at Bellagio watching the Game....and making money
How can that be?

I thought the casinos only comp'd losers?

You thought wrong... its about Picking your "spots" playing free tournies and such... they comp you based on a pts. system... been a Diamond player... for about 8 yrs. or so free rooms/show tickets/food... sometimes airfare etc....Vegas is built on Losers... about 5% win...You take their bait [freebies] but have control and bring home their money... don't get TOOOOO greedy....its a great way to have fun and make a few bucks....hump

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