PEAX Equipment

Carbon Fiber Outdoorsmans Tripods?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2019
Gallatin Gateway, MT
Has anyone seen the ad in the current edition of Western Hunter for Outdoorsmans tripods? It's a picture of some carbon fiber and says 2022 in bold print. I'd say it's a pretty safe assumption they'll be releasing some carbon fiber tripods pretty soon. Does any one know anything more about them? Specs?
If it’s as well built as their current one that will be great but agree on the crazy prices. Would have to be a drastic weight difference to get me to but the CF
True but I still can't see them being so aggressive on pricing that they get to the RRS zone.

I bought one RRS tripod mostly for precision rifle stuff and now the Promaster and sirui carbon tripods i previously thought were "nice" seem like cheap chinese crap.
This is exactly the decision I would make if they priced their tripod $800+, I would simply pay the extra amount to get an RRS tripod.
Have been very happy with the sirui carbon tripod with the va5 head. If I was a professional hummingbird watcher I might upgrade to the carbon outdoors man tripod. I can't imagine what that cost is since the aluminum ones are 800 bucks.
I haven't looked at Outdoorsman tripods in years and this thread prompted me to take a peek. Wow are they heavy and they ask a lot of money for them. A current tall model is heavier than a RRS ascend 14 with the head included. I'd bet a bunch that the RRS is more stable but it's also more expensive. Outdoorsman leg locking mechanism looks to be heavy too so even with carbon legs the tripod might not be very light.
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Interested in seeing what they do. I had a RRS that I was using under my 65 and 85 mm shooters and it was stupid high quality, but the price to value is tough too swallow.
I have had good luck with outdoorsmen tripods and heads so I will be willing to give it a hot if they come in at the right weight and price 🤞
Interested in seeing what they do. I had a RRS that I was using under my 65 and 85 mm shooters and it was stupid high quality, but the price to value is tough too swallow.
I have had good luck with outdoorsmen tripods and heads so I will be willing to give it a hot if they come in at the right weight and price 🤞
That's where I'm at. I'm currently using an Outdoorsmans medium tripod with an Outdoorsmans pan head as my primary packable tripod, as well as a few others. If the specs are right I'll likely get a set of the compact or standard CF legs and throw an Outdoorsman micro pan head that I've got laying around on it.
True but I still can't see them being so aggressive on pricing that they get to the RRS zone.

I bought one RRS tripod mostly for precision rifle stuff and now the Promaster and sirui carbon tripods i previously thought were "nice" seem like cheap chinese crap.
I'd imagine we're looking at the $650-700 range considering the aluminum are $550.
Interested in seeing what they do. I had a RRS that I was using under my 65 and 85 mm shooters and it was stupid high quality, but the price to value is tough too swallow.
I have had good luck with outdoorsmen tripods and heads so I will be willing to give it a hot if they come in at the right weight and price 🤞
What head did you use with the RRS?

I have a 24L TFCT Anvil and the anvil is not ideal for glassing and the TFCT configuration doesn't allow you to swap out heads. Would be nice to have panning. Tempted to sell the 24L and buy an ascend with the panning ballhead for hunting and buy a cheaper beefy chinese tripod to fill the precision rifle role.
What head did you use with the RRS?

I have a 24L TFCT Anvil and the anvil is not ideal for glassing and the TFCT configuration doesn't allow you to swap out heads. Would be nice to have panning. Tempted to sell the 24L and buy an ascend with the panning ballhead for hunting and buy a cheaper beefy chinese tripod to fill the precision rifle role.
I used the Outdoormen micro and regular pan head depending on which scope ran. I have the four leg version I think they called. A versa maybe? It was easy to attach any head you wanted to it.
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