California Black Bears


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2021
I know California has the largest population of black bears in at least the lower 48 states (I’m pretty sure that’s true or really close to true). I would love to be able to begin to hone my bear hunting location/ timing now, so when my kids are old enough, I can take them. What are some things that I need to be looking for as I start to hone in on areas to check and explore for good numbers? I would love to stay around central California, but would be willing to drive farther north to find them. Any suggestions on best time to hunt them, what ti look for in topography, etc. and are they usually best hunted away from civilization as possible, or do they not really care if people are around in the general area?

Thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone has beat me to this search by a few years and might have a pointer or two.

Use the annual bear harvest data to help hone in on bear numbers. We have seen them all over, and have had a few real good opportunities over the years. Most CA hunters get a bear tag as an after thought to their deer tag just in case they come across one; and it does happen often. PM me if interested in continuing this conversation.
Just go into the Trinity alps. I swear more bears than deer.
This is true for many areas and forests I visit in Northern CA. At least while driving forest roads I typically see more bear than legal bucks. Mendocino, Lassen, Plumas, Shasta all have healthy populations. I don't spend much time in Eldorado or Tahoe NF but would bet they are loaded as well.
The Trinity Alps may have more bear than deer, but from my experience I think there were more hunters than deer. You can get away from many hunters by backpacking but with game to pack out it can be a nightmare. And not everyone has a horse.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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