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CA Ammo Legislation

What a screwed up bunch of yahoos out there and they are branching out to other states trying to do the same thing bit by bit, inch by inch!!! Maybe one of those big quakes will either knock some sense into them or drop them into the Pacific!
There are a lot of good folks out there in Cali and hunters/shooters are fairly vocal but overwhelmingly out numbered, including in the political lobbying arena. From my perspective after living there for 30 odd years, most folks seem to just go with what the politicians want to do, without much personal thought going into it. It's a sad deal all around.
Lex Luthor had a great plan (In the Chistopher Reeve Superman movie)

He was buying up desert property. Plan was to set off a couple of nukes and cause the left coast of Cali to drop into the ocean at the fault line.

Sounds like his idea was a good start!
I'm anxious to see how this plays in the courts. The 10 day waiting period for gun purchases was struck down at a lower court today for another small victory.

I'm interested to better understand the licensed hunter exemption in the proposed law. If it means more license purchases it is a bit of a silver lining and wonder what the ramifications would be.
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