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Bundy comedy propaganda

100% pure BullCookies. Welfare ranchers begging for donations. They can't be put in prison fast enough to suit me.
I don't want to be labeled an extremist but I some what feel for these guys not the occupi Oregon thing. If what Ammon says is true about the deeded water rights from 100 years ago it's crazy no to. The grazing of cattle is a bit extreme for me 100 acres for one animal! That's over kill I wish that the state would keep and Maintain the guzzlers that the bundys have built. The government has forced thousands of people off their ranches due to property taxes. I wish these people would have lived to the letter of the law so I could back them but as a middle class, married man I'm of the highest taxed.
Too bad ,so sad.

The carrying capacity where I live in NM is about 4 cows per section these days,and that's overdoing it really.Used to be about 20-24 I hear from old timers. It's way lush compared to so. NV.
Why he didn't say anything about the fact that his father hasn't paid for the grazing rights in a very long time is telling.

Hasn't paid his grazing fees for over 20 years. We the taxpayers are funding the Bundys cattle operation. He owes over a million dollars in grazing fees to the Government. Why the BLM didn't go after this freeloading family from the get-go is still a mystery. Bunch of Welfare ranchers, who still get perks from the Government.
This video production, much like that viewed on the late LaVoy Finicum's website, portrays a hard working rancher and family having produced good grazing and watering practices on the federal public lands which are leased for cattle production for the monetary profit of their ranch. This video, also similarly to Finicum's, expresses misinterpretation of the US Constitution, misinterpretation of states' rights and relationship with the federal government, and more critically, erroneous claims of deeded ownership merely acquired due to improvements (water systems) to the land on behalf of cattle production for monetary profit. The assertions completely ignore the federal public land ownership legal and historical reality and obviously skew the information into a false ideology. Unfortunately the "poor" hard working several generations ranch family becomes the subject of sympathy for those whose own ideology is so tainted by their misplaced hatred of the federal gubment and their ignorance of the Taylor Grazing Act and subsequent grazing lease agreements.
An incumbent Colorado state representative who was not reelected in November posted the full version of that video on his Facebook page with the following comment:
It is a shame that the Bundy men are in jail leaving their wives and children to fend for themselves.
This narration is well worth your time. Our family may be facing the same fate! Please pray for us!
Please pray for our Country!
This gentleman also holds the grazing permits being considered for renewal in the analysis discussed in this thread.