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bullets/brass for sale


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2015
Northern IN
Selling off some of my grandfathers reloading components to help them pay for assisted living. I have not looked into shipping cost yet, so for now we will consider components list price plus shipping, but I can work out final price with shipping with the buyer. If you need anymore details please text me at 574-202-0622 or email at [email protected]

Thanks TJ

New 358 Norma, Norma brass 100ct $100 OBO

New Weatherby 378 20ct $45 OBO

6.5 Rem mag, these are loaded rounds that were reloaded between the 70's & 80's. I have 17 boxes, not all our full but most are, so will say 300 ct. $100 OBO

New Remington 45-70 100 ct. $40 OBO

New 45 basic rcbs 19ct $55

I have a bunch of 30-06 and 300 H&H as well, have to separate it.

I would like to sell all per diameter, if possible before breaking up.

.17 diam $45
Hornady 25gn HP molly coated 200ct
Hornady 25 gn spire h.p. 300ct
Remington 25gn h.p. 200

.223 diam hornet $60
Seirra 45gn 100ct
Seirra 40gn 500ct.

.277 diam $200 OBO
seirra 150 spitzer 300ct
seirra 140 hpbt 200ct
seirra 130 spitzer 100ct
centrix 150 spitzer 100ct
rem 130 br. Pt 100ct
horandy 150 sp 100ct
jordan 130 sp 100ct
win 130 silvertip 100ct
win 150 p.p. 100ct
speer 170 round nose s.p. 100ct
horandy 150 round nose 25ct
herters 130 semi pointed 6ct
herters 150 gr banana peel 100ct

.358 diam. $150 OBO
rem core lock 200 gr ptd soft point 400ct
hornady 250 sp interlock 100ct
hornady 250 gn round nose 50ct
speer 250 gr spittzer 50ct
200 spire point 100ct
200 round nose 100ct
200 semi pointed 100ct
358 norma brass 100ct

.429 diam lead cast $30
215 swc 50ct
250 sw 200ct
250 sw 30ct

.440 dia $115
speer 240 jacketed soft point 200ct
speer 240 hp 100ct
hornady 240 fmj 150ct
hornady 240 hp 50ct
seirra 250 gr sp 200ct

.458 diam $150 OBO
300 gr hollow point 250ct
405 gr sp 425ct


17 Rem mag $30
2 box Rem 25gn H.P.

7MM Mauser $240
10 box's 140 gn soft point
8 box 175 gn soft point
2 box 145 gn power point
Update to original post, nosler brass wasn't included in the price of the .358 bullets

.358 diam. $150 OBO
rem core lock 200 gr ptd soft point 400ct
hornady 250 sp interlock 100ct
hornady 250 gn round nose 50ct
speer 250 gr spittzer 50ct
200 spire point 100ct
200 round nose 100ct
200 semi pointed 100ct
UPDATED whats available

Selling off some of my grandfathers reloading components to help them pay for assisted living. I have not looked into shipping cost yet, so for now we will consider components list price plus shipping, but I can work out final price with shipping with the buyer. If you need anymore details please text me at 574-202-0622 or email at [email protected]

Thanks TJ

New 358 Norma, Norma brass 100ct $100 OBO SPF

New Weatherby 378 20ct $45 OBO

6.5 Rem mag, these are loaded rounds that were reloaded between the 70's & 80's. I have 17 boxes, not all our full but most are, so will say 300 ct. $100 OBO SPF

New Remington 45-70 100 ct. $40 OBO SPF

New 45 basic rcbs 19ct $55

I have a bunch of 30-06 and 300 H&H as well, have to separate it.

I would like to sell all per diameter, if possible before breaking up.

.17 diam $45 SPF
Hornady 25gn HP molly coated 200ct
Hornady 25 gn spire h.p. 300ct
Remington 25gn h.p. 200

.223 diam hornet $60
Seirra 45gn 100ct
Seirra 40gn 500ct.

.277 diam $200 OBO
seirra 150 spitzer 300ct
seirra 140 hpbt 200ct
seirra 130 spitzer 100ct
centrix 150 spitzer 100ct
rem 130 br. Pt 100ct
horandy 150 sp 100ct
jordan 130 sp 100ct
win 130 silvertip 100ct
win 150 p.p. 100ct
speer 170 round nose s.p. 100ct
horandy 150 round nose 25ct
herters 130 semi pointed 6ct
herters 150 gr banana peel 100ct

.358 diam. $150 OBO SPF
rem core lock 200 gr ptd soft point 400ct
hornady 250 sp interlock 100ct
hornady 250 gn round nose 50ct
speer 250 gr spittzer 50ct
200 spire point 100ct
200 round nose 100ct
200 semi pointed 100ct
358 norma brass 100ct

.429 diam lead cast $30
215 swc 50ct
250 sw 200ct
250 sw 30ct

.440 dia $115 SPF
speer 240 jacketed soft point 200ct
speer 240 hp 100ct
hornady 240 fmj 150ct
hornady 240 hp 50ct
seirra 250 gr sp 200ct

.458 diam $150 OBO SPF
300 gr hollow point 250ct
405 gr sp 425ct


17 Rem mag $30
2 box Rem 25gn H.P.

7MM Mauser $240
10 box's 140 gn soft point
8 box 175 gn soft point
2 box 145 gn power point

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