I have a small assortment of items for sale.
- 55 rounds of 7mm-08 Rem Hornady ammo (28 139 CX Superformance/27 139 Interlock Whitetail). Taken out of the boxes a long time ago. — $60 local pickup in KC area, or $60 plus shipping
- 7mm-08 Rem RCBS dies — $30 TYD
- 6.5x55 Swede Federal brass. Once fired. Some tumbled. This is a catch and release. — $25 TYD
Venmo accepted

- 55 rounds of 7mm-08 Rem Hornady ammo (28 139 CX Superformance/27 139 Interlock Whitetail). Taken out of the boxes a long time ago. — $60 local pickup in KC area, or $60 plus shipping
- 6.5x55 Swede Federal brass. Once fired. Some tumbled. This is a catch and release. — $25 TYD
Venmo accepted

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