Kenetrek Boots

Brad Little Idaho Governor Race and Public Lands


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Idaho gets a new Governor in 2018, after 12 years of Butch. We have actually witnessed quite the evolution of Butch, from a Libertarian/Sage Brush rebel to a senior citizen who values federal public lands.

Now, it is time to sort out Next.

This thread is intended to collect and sort Lt Governor Brad Little's place and intentions on My Public Lands. Too early to prefer one to the other, but not too early to learn, educate, and decide.

From the Nov 30 Spokesman Review:
Little: ‘Let us wrest control from the federal government and return it to the people
Definitely a headline grabber. If one assumes "control" = "Public Lands", the headline reads pretty anti-hunter.

Declaring victory, based upon the short-lived, ill-fated Trump adminstration...
“The American public has spoken. The federal government is broke, overgrown and too cumbersome,” Little declared. “We must take this opportunity to demand more federalism.”

Ok... here he goes....
These changes will provide Idaho with perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity,” he said. “I would expect the federal agencies to have, shall we say, better hearing and understanding of the issues facing Idaho, whether they be lands issues, Department of Justice, Department of Interior, USDA, timber supply, and of course education, the Department of Labor and the IRS. There’s going to be changes in all those agencies and it’s going to affect taxpayers and citizens all over Idaho.”
Kinda getting close to the land-transfer rhetoric.

And he continues.....

“We’re at a turning point in America,” he said. “All three branches in the federal government now can change direction and delegate more power to the states and to the people, and less to the federal government. With this great opportunity comes great responsibility.”
Straight out of the Land transfer movement....

“I ask you, the taxpayers of Idaho, let us wrest control from the federal government and return it to the state and the people,” Little said. “We must be bold in seizing control so our children and our grandchildren can stay and prosper on these great lands in Idaho for decades to come, and be here for the 140th celebration of the Associated Taxpayers.”

To be continued.........
Local control, give our lands back to the people of Idaho blah blah blah. First off dumbass, can't give you back something that never belonged to Idaho in the first place.