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Books on Africa...


Active member
Mar 9, 2017
NW Arkansas
Discussing Africa next August with the wife. What's the Top 3 or 5 books that a guy dreaming of Africa has just GOTTA read?
Colonial East Africa era:

Isak Dinesen: Out of Africa and other titles. (Goes by Karen Blixen as well)

Denis Drummond: Bwana Drum (story revolves around Mau Mau revolt)

Robert Ruark: Something of Value (made into a movie with Rock Hudson) and other books by Ruark

Elspeth Huxley: The Flame Trees of Thika, most famous book, multiple other options.

MM Kaye: mystery/detective stories set in Africa

More current Africa:

Mark and Delia Owens:Cry of the Kahlihari and a couple more by them.
Although somewhat dated Robert Ruark’s, Horn Of The Hunter, is a traditional read for first safari. It is about Bob’s first safari with his wife. A tented hunt, unlike a South African ranch/lodge trip. Both still capture the uniqueness of Africa
White Hunters by Brian Herne. (My personal favorite.)
The Perfect Shot by Robertson is mandatory reading to me before your first trip.
Not sure how relevant they are to a modern day safari, but any of Walter Bell's books, or Months of the Sun, by Ian Nyschens.

Old, old, old school Africa. Great read!
I don't think I've read any Capstick but I know he is well recommended

Hemingway is an easy choice, wrote about Africa a lot

But the top choice to me, like others have said, is Ruark. He wrote this piece called "Leopards Are Different" for F&S in the 50s, really love that story

Since you asked specifically for a list:
Death in the Long Grass - Capstick
Green Hills of Africa - Papa Hemingway
Horn of the Hunter - Ruark

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