Awhile back I told Moosie I'd tell him a story some time, so here it is:
I made a stand in a big wheat field that is bordered by a creek on 3 sides. I was sitting on the South side of it and was looking straight North.There was about 10 yds of real thick woods and a creek behind me. I had a coyote come in the day before Thanksgiving in this same spot, from the North end of the field. I had been calling for about 10 minutes, with a Burnham Bros. mini-blaster, when I stopped to take a breath. While I was sitting there I heard something rustle the leaves behind me. I looked back over my shoulder and there was a big bobcat standing 4 feet away from me. There was no way I would have been able to turn my rifle all the way around and him not bolt. So I pulled my S&W .357 that I keep on my hip for snakes and occasionally finishing off wounded coyotes. I cocked the hammer back real slow and turned back to him and fired. I sent a 180-grain .38 Special right into his chest. The heavy bullet went right through him like a full metal jacket. He jumped about 4 feet in the air and ran 5 yds before he fell over dead.When I found him he had only a small bullet sized hole in the right side of his chest and the same size exit about half way down his rib cage between the ribs. My heart was about to jump out of my throat.
He was a nice bobcat. He measured 36 inches from nose-to-tail and 19 inches from paw-to-shoulder. And he weighed 26-28 lbs. I skinned him out and will probably make a rug out of him.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2002 15:12: Message edited by: Jbrad ]</font>
I made a stand in a big wheat field that is bordered by a creek on 3 sides. I was sitting on the South side of it and was looking straight North.There was about 10 yds of real thick woods and a creek behind me. I had a coyote come in the day before Thanksgiving in this same spot, from the North end of the field. I had been calling for about 10 minutes, with a Burnham Bros. mini-blaster, when I stopped to take a breath. While I was sitting there I heard something rustle the leaves behind me. I looked back over my shoulder and there was a big bobcat standing 4 feet away from me. There was no way I would have been able to turn my rifle all the way around and him not bolt. So I pulled my S&W .357 that I keep on my hip for snakes and occasionally finishing off wounded coyotes. I cocked the hammer back real slow and turned back to him and fired. I sent a 180-grain .38 Special right into his chest. The heavy bullet went right through him like a full metal jacket. He jumped about 4 feet in the air and ran 5 yds before he fell over dead.When I found him he had only a small bullet sized hole in the right side of his chest and the same size exit about half way down his rib cage between the ribs. My heart was about to jump out of my throat.
He was a nice bobcat. He measured 36 inches from nose-to-tail and 19 inches from paw-to-shoulder. And he weighed 26-28 lbs. I skinned him out and will probably make a rug out of him.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2002 15:12: Message edited by: Jbrad ]</font>