Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Black Bear Pics


New member
Mar 23, 2001
I've watched this forum for a long time and decided to join in and share a couple of pics from this spring. I guided both of these guys in the Prince William Sound area of Alaska in May.

AWSOME pics...... !! I see you're member #396 ...... glad you finally posted some pictures /./ WOW !!!!!!! :D :D

welcome aboard Mate' can ya share a little story behind those bears ?
Very nice pictures. Next time don't take so long to post ;) Got any stories to tell us. You can even make them up if you want, we don't care and wouldn't know anyway
Great pics and nice bears.
It looks like some cool country, is that mossy area near the coast?
Thank you all for the welcome. From what I've seen you guys and gals have a lot of fun here.

The bear in the bottom photo was shot first, early in May. We were trying to encourage a BIG brown bear to stick around so we left him a gut pile. The next morning the carcass was gone, taken by something thet picked it and carried it away. Another case of being in the right place at the wrong time. That black bear's hide squared at 6'5" and had a 17 1/2" skull.
The top bear was shot the night before the guy left camp (in the pouring rain) out of my inflatable boat, floating down the river. The guy in the photo is 6'4". We didn't have time to get the head and feet out, but when it was laid out before I skinned it I stepped out 7 steps in my size 11 hip boots, so I would say it squares about 7'3-4". Quite a bit larger than the other one. The same guy had a shot at a bigger one earlier in the hunt and missed it clean. :eek:
Thanks again for the welcomes.
Yea!! Were glad you finally jumped into the foray....It's good to see you joined us....HEHEHEHE!!!!
Great pics and that first one looks like a real cool pig!!! :D :D :D

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