Bison Extermination Bill (SB 143) in House apps

Announced yesterday... Brenden's SB 143 passed 2nd reading and now goes to House Appropriations today. I do believe this would be the last chance to kill it before final house floor vote...

Submit your comments to the House Appropriation committee:

This bill goes so far beyond the pale that it's simply ridiculous. It forces the state to destroy every bison that moves in to MT from YNP either through rounding them up or shooting them where they stand. It eliminates the current season for a yearlong season that completely disregards tribal treaty rights as well as the rights on Montanan's to manage their own wildlife according to science.

It tells the tribes they can't have wild bison as well as prohibits the translocation of buffalo anywhere in the state other than the National Bison Range at Moise, which is already over capacity.

The sponsor, John Brenden, has repeatedly said that this bill is about "management." that's his jaunty euphamism for extermination.

Call 406-444-4800 and tell your House member to VOTE NO ON SB 143!
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I used the link to encourage my legislator to vote this bill down, and I'm happy to say that I received a hand written postcard from my rep (Jean Price), thanking me for my time and assuring me she is gonna vote No. Good on her.
I used the link to encourage my legislator to vote this bill down, and I'm happy to say that I received a hand written postcard from my rep (Jean Price), thanking me for my time and assuring me she is gonna vote No. Good on her.

The bill failed on 3rd reading 50-50 today. We expect a motion to reconsider tomorrow.

If that motion fails, then the bill is dead. If it passes, we're in for a wild ride.

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