Birddogs DO hunt with reckless abandon - sometimes pay a price.......


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
Yup, grouse season is indeed here.
8000' feet up the mountain, blues flush from a downed giant dead Doug Fir, dog dives over the log, and F*$# -the yowling and screeching commences. Scarey moment.
Assess, pull wood from the wound, assess/treat, calm her down, and we gimp out, back down to the truck. Good thing I carry dawg 1st aid kit with AT ALL TIMES in the field. If ya don't, you ain't real bright. It is dicey out there.......
Blue Grouse hunting ain't for sissy dogs. three inch tunnel gouged through her arm, luckily no real serious damage. If it woulda' got her in the neck or gut...........
She hopefully should be back in the game in two weeks. She's a hurtin unit right now. Hunting season vet bills are awesome.
Yikes, hope your hunting partner makes a quick recovery.
Glad to hear she's doing ok. Dogs are tough suckers.
Ouch! We've had some run ins with barbed wire. Fortunately no bad encounters with tree stobs. Out of curiosity, what all do you carry in your first aid kit?
Ouch!! I worry about my dog he is a hard charger and too tough for his own good. Has had a few barb wire cuts already
Ouch! We've had some run ins with barbed wire. Fortunately no bad encounters with tree stobs. Out of curiosity, what all do you carry in your first aid kit?

Doggy eye wash
tweezers, hemos, scissors
antiseptic wipes
antibiotic ointment
waterproof adhesive tape, vet wrap, gauze, one baby sock
small Quik Clot
Iodine, styptic powder

All fits in a WingWorks Molle XL side pouch, with room to spare

Most so called "bird dog guys" I hunt with carry nothing for these situations. Dogs are like guns - just because everyone can have 'em , doesn't mean everyone should......................
I hadn't thought of the baby sock. That's a good add to the kit. Need to pick up some EMT gel & the quick clot. My human first aid kit is also the dog first aid kit. A wound is a wound.
The wife is a nurse and it is mandatory for my hunts to have a first aid kit for the dog 1st and then one for me 2nd!
Hope she makes a full recovery - she'll think she's ready to hung long before she really is
Ouch, that’s a close one!

Luckily you were carrying the doggie first aid kit. One thing I always carry is a tiny baby diaper (packed in plastic sample size)
Unreal how much liquid they will hold if you have to stop a real gusher.

My old gal got attacked by a pit bull this weekend as she was boarded at our local kennel. It escaped the handler, jumped a fence at nailed my old girl who was defenseless.

Luckily 200$ worth of stitches and 14 days of no hunting are the worst of it. One long gash went right thru her ear.

Bird dogs need to be tough even when they aren’t in the field.

Wow, glad she's ok! My buddy's dog disembowled itself jumping over a snag just like that, luckily he was able to stuff everything back in, carry her out, and get her patched up...
Tongue in cheek, using my best Monte Python accent......."Just a flesh wound".

Wow, glad she is on the mend, and not having to deal with a more serious bone or thoracic chamber injury. Hope she takes her Rx meds like the hunting champ she is.

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