bino lens covers


Jan 21, 2001
I finally saved up and bought some decent glass, and one of them fancy hoity, toity, harness suspension systems, seriously the thing works great to reduce neck fatigue. the only real problem is when my huntin buddies wanna see through good glass,it puts em a little to close for my comfort and oh well.. hey what I really need is some kinda of lens cover that might attach to the staps so it stays with the binos even when removed for viewing ,but snaps over the lens real tight to keep out dust, snow and them damn cookie crumbs, any one know of such a animal thats out there??? h2m ;)
I have one of thoses straps,I love it.
I ended up using the lens cover that came with my binos.
I have a pair of swarovski's ,the lens cover is a one piece deal that attached to the old strap on each side ,then slid out of the way.
With the new and (Much nicer-- (bino-system from crooked horn outfitters)the strap is to large to fit into the slots of the lens cap-----------so I tied a small cord around and through one side of the lens cap slot and then tied the other end to the snap on the bino system.
That way if Im making a stalk or just dont want it hanging there I can take it off real fast.
Something else I saw that looked pretty nice ,was a cover that moosie was using for his bino's.
Im not sure where he got it but it looked like it covered the whole bino and came off real easy.I thought that might be nice for when Im riding one of those dang ATVs around.
It looks like it should keep the dust out pretty good.
I think it had elastic around it to keep it tight?
I finally talked Steve into buying the bino system and he really likes it.
I think his is from cableos.
He did the same thing with the cord to keep his lens cover handy and useable,but I saw him checking out moosies system
:eek: :eek: Hmmmmm thats what he said they were doing? ;) ;)

I would suggest looking at Quake Industry for binocular/scope covers (they are based in MT).

I have the bushwacker covers and they work great. You will need to measure to get the correct lens cover, but they do stretch so it is not difficult to find a working cover. If the link above does not work, try

and click on products.

My only bitch about the company is I purchased a sling from them and I lost one of the pins. I have contacted them about a replacement and have gotten no where.
Mtmiller, Thanks for the great site, they look like what I'm looking for, but how far do they hang over your lens, do they affect eye relief?? h2m
JB, the system I bought is actually a trantuala brand, their camo, and look just like the other manufacturers, the only gripe I have is the snap system, to attach them to your binos, there is a plastic rotating snap , which is very secure, but dang near impossible to disconnect while wearing, I want to wear only the harness while riding a horse, and put my glass in a pommel bag, I can't stand the beating my chest takes, from the quater horse gait..I'm thinking of adding a second strap, just some tubing that will go around my chest to hold them in place, similar to the uncle mike's system. I'll work on it and report later.h2m

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